
  • 诗人
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 童郁发现杜鹏出轨的蛛丝马迹时,正是两人结婚3周年纪念日的第二天。那天早晨,童郁出去买早餐。刚走出大门,她接到了一个陌生电话,一位女孩清脆的声音问道:“昨天过得很开心吧?一整天连个电话都没有。”童郁反问:“请问是哪位?”对方愣了一下,然后飞快把电话挂断了。童郁忽然醒悟过来,她拿错了手机,那个电话绝非打给她的。 童郁和杜鹏的手机是同款,他们曾经在一起时不小心换过几次,这让童郁确定那个电话绝非打错






“这两天我不回去了,还要处理很多事……你别告诉爸妈。” 杜鹏说完这些话后,就再也没接到他的消息。这时候,在公司里的一片混乱中,Du Peng 正埋头于堆积如山的地产开发文件中。他知道自己陷入了一个无法挽回的境地,但他却不知道该如何向妻子坦白自己的真实情况。


当Du Peng finally heard her voice, he was taken aback. The last thing he wanted to do now was to burden his wife with this crisis. But the weight of his mistakes and the impending doom of their financial situation seemed to crush him.

As they talked, Du Peng couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness wash over him. He knew that he had let his wife down, and that their future together looked increasingly uncertain. Yet despite all this, there was something about her words that brought him a strange sense of comfort.

The next day, Du Peng showed up at home early in the morning, looking like he hadn't slept in weeks. His eyes were sunken and dark circles had formed under them from lack of sleep. He walked into the house without saying anything to anyone else in sight.

"Where have you been?" she asked softly as she watched him walk towards her with an exhausted look on his face.

"I've been trying to figure out what happened," he replied grimly before continuing "I think I've made some big mistakes."

She took a deep breath and nodded slowly as if understanding more than she actually did. Her heart sank further as she realized just how much trouble they were both in now.

"We need to talk," Du Peng said suddenly after what felt like hours of silence between them."We can't keep living like this... We need a plan."

He paused for a moment before adding "And we need it fast."

In those moments when everything seemed lost for them both; when their world came crashing down around them - it became clear that nothing could be done without each other's support and love being present through every step along the way - even amidst such darkness there is always light waiting just ahead - no matter how dim or distant it may seem at first glance
