"我们从地球上几十亿的人中精选了您,这是您的荣幸。" 外星人通过心灵感应向西多罗夫传达道。
"我为何会成为你们选择的人?" 西多罗夫急切地问道。
"我们希望您能够将银河系中所有生命都应该互相尊重、平等对待的思想传播给地球上的每个人——包括那些已经广为人知的生命形式。" 外星人回答说。
"Yes, it means that you will carry out a mission to teach the people of Earth about kindness, fairness, honesty and responsibility. Your planet desperately needs these values, or it risks complete destruction."
"I understand," 西多罗夫点头说,“请记录下我的承诺,我会背诵出来,然后去传授它。”
"That's settled then," foreign beings were pleased “but we won't mention that this is an initiative from outer space; all the credit will be yours.”
"It would be an honor,” said Westerof “but as for fairness and justice... those politicians are always talking about them on television. Who would listen to me? I'm just a nobody."
"Don't worry about that," they assured him "people will listen. We'll give you a special ability for a while: you'll create miracles—bring back the dead, feed the starving..."
"But I'll become famous overnight! I'll have new houses and cars, millions in my bank account..."
"No!" They interrupted him "That's impossible. Nobody listens to someone who lives in mansions and drives luxury cars."
"I don't get it," Westerof was disappointed “then why should I follow your orders?"
"The selfless acts of one man can change humanity's future. You might suffer poverty and hardship many times over, but your name will echo throughout the universe!"
"No! No! No! No!" The human Westernoff shook his head like a spinning top as he stared at these extraterrestrial visitors before him now seemed less cute than threatening.
"Do you know where around here?" asked Westernoff impatiently.
"We're familiar with this place." replied foreign beings calmly
"You've never had anyone respond to this proposal before?"
"How could there not be? There was one person who responded two thousand years ago - Jesus Christ… From then on we have been looking for another soul."