中国古代神话故事免费阅读 - 后辈英雄们难道不是希腊神话故事吗

  • 历史
  • 2025年01月12日
  • 十年光阴荏苒,底比斯战役中英勇牺牲的英雄们遗腹子们决定再次扬帆赴底比斯,为他们不朽的父亲们复仇。这些后辈英雄共八人,他们是安菲阿拉俄斯之子的阿尔克迈翁和安菲罗科斯,阿德拉斯托斯之子的埃癸阿勒俄斯,堤丢斯之子狄俄墨得斯,帕耳忒诺派俄斯之子普洛玛科斯,卡帕纽斯之子斯特涅罗斯,以及波吕尼刻克斯之子忒耳珊特罗斯和墨喀特修思的儿子欧律阿罗斯。尽管墨喀特修思本非七位英雄之一,他却是国王阿德拉斯特所信任的大臣

中国古代神话故事免费阅读 - 后辈英雄们难道不是希腊神话故事吗




为了遵循天意和神谕的旨意,尽管心里犹豫不决,Arkeiom nonetheless accepted the role of leader, promising to return and avenge his father after the war. He established a powerful army in Aegae, with many brave warriors joining from neighboring cities.

With an imposing force at their command, they besieged Thebes once more, engaging in fierce battles reminiscent of their fathers' exploits ten years prior. However, this time they were fortunate enough to emerge victorious under Arkeiom's leadership; only Adrastus's son Euryalos fell in battle at the hands of Laodamas.

The Thebans lost their leader and many soldiers and retreated behind city walls. Seeking advice from the blind prophet Tiresias still alive but aged over 100 years old. His counsel was for them to send emissaries to negotiate peace terms with the enemy while making a hasty retreat.

The Thebans took his advice and sent envoys during negotiations loaded with family members on carts out of Thebes. Under cover of darkness they reached Acraephia where night brought death upon Tiresias who had escaped by drinking cold water too quickly.

In contrast, his daughter Manto remained within city limits as she was deemed sacred by her captors who believed that Apollo would be pleased with such sacrifice given her prophetic gifts inherited from her father. Thus she became one half of Apollo's priestess duo along with Homer known as ancient Greece’s most celebrated bard being taught poetry by Manto herself which spread far reaching fame among Greeks later on.