
  • 历史
  • 2024年11月16日
  • 在冬日的寒风中,老爷们总是能看到一个熟悉而又温暖的身影,那就是卖炭翁。每当夜幕降临,家家户户点亮了灯火,他便会推着他的木柴车来到每个人的门前。 卖炭翁的手很粗糙,但他推磨炭火时的手法却异常细腻。他知道,每一块炭火都有它独特的温度和燃烧时间,就像生活中的每个人一样,每个人都有自己的节奏和需求。 老爷们记得,在过去,家里没有暖气的时候,冬天过得多么冷呢。窗台上结冰,小孩咳嗽不止,而今看来





sells charcoal, and his hands are rough from years of work. But he is a master of his craft, able to produce just the right amount of heat for each family's needs. He knows that every piece of charcoal has its own unique temperature and burning time, just like every person has their own rhythm and requirements.

As the sun sets on another cold winter's day, old gentlemen can't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards this humble figure. Without him, their homes would be dark and cold, their families shivering in fear. But with him by their side, they can rest easy knowing that they will always have enough warmth to keep them safe.

So here's to the charcoal sellers - unsung heroes who bring light and warmth into our lives when we need it most.