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简介1.丰富古诗词知识 诗歌史 1. 古代歌谣 2、《诗经》:诗305首,其中有旨无言5首,又称诗三百首。 我国第一部诗集《诗经六艺》:风(15国风格160篇)、雅(宫廷官员作品105篇)、歌(寺
↓1. 古代歌谣
↓ 2、《诗经》:诗305首,其中有旨无言5首,又称“诗三百首”。 我国第一部诗集《诗经六艺》:风(15国风格160篇)、雅(宫廷官员作品105篇)、歌(寺庙祭祀歌40篇) 、赋(直接说明故事)、传(比喻)、行(先说其他的事,然后引出所唱的事)。
↓3. 楚辞:以屈原为代表继承了《诗经》的传统,创造了新的浪漫主义诗歌风格。
↓4. 汉乐府:“乐府”是负责收集风格的音乐组织的名称。 “乐府双珠”:《木兰诗》与《孔雀东南飞》
↓5. 唐诗:中国诗歌的黄金时代,三大诗人
↓6. 宋词:豪放派(苏信派) 雍容派(姜夔、刘墉、李清照)
↓7. 元曲:包括散曲、杂剧
↓8. 自由诗(新诗):五四运动后的诗歌
易水歌【战国】荆轲风呼啸,易水寒。 强者一旦离开,就再也不会回来。 探虎穴,入龙宫,仰天呼气,化作一道白虹。
辞别情派杜少甫到三秦担任蜀川城侍郎,风烟望向武进。 我要跟你说再见,我们都是太监。
海风留一知己,天涯海角如邻。 不作为就走上歧途,孩子们也是同病相怜。
赐予我古草,是为了告别原草上的草,年年繁盛。 野火,春天。
远方香侵古道,清绿连城。 我又送走了王和孙子,告别了琪琪。
白云阁送柳十六回京城。 楚山、秦山都是白云,白云司主事也跟着他。 我跟随你很久了。 入楚山,云亦随你渡湘江。
湘江上,女子身着袈裟,白云使她躺卧。 国王早回来了。 (一)描写春天的古诗:《长歌行》,中国古代乐府诗。 春天的“不得泽”,万物生辉,唐和知章的“咏柳”。 碧玉被拼成一棵如树那么高的树,下垂着万千条绿色的丝线。
不知细剪谁,二月春风如剪刀。 唐瀚宇《初春献水部张十八员外》 天街小雨润如脆,远看草色近无草。
春天最美的,莫过于帝都柳树遍地。 唐代韩愈的《春雪》。 就连新的一年也没有青春洋溢。 我很惊讶地在二月初看到了草芽。 白雪来不及春天,所以花园里的树都是飞花组成的。 宋代苏轼的《惠充春江晚景二》。 竹外三两枝桃花,预示着春江水暖。
(2)描写夏天的古诗,宋代赵士修的《约会》。 黄梅时节,家家户户都下着雨,草塘里到处都是青蛙。 半夜因为有约没有过来,就敲了棋子,让灯笼落了下来。
宋代陆游的《初夏绝句》红紫成尘,杜鹃声是夏天的新征兆。 路上有无尽的荆棘和麻,我意识到我是一个和平的人。
宋代辛弃疾的《西江月》。 明月留枝喜鹊惊,清风半夜蝉鸣。 稻花香诉说着丰收,蛙声响起。
天上有七八颗星星,山前下着两三点雨。 昔日,茅店社林边,突然出现了芦转溪桥。
宋代杨万里的《净慈寺黎明送林子方》毕竟,六月的西湖景色与四时不同。 触天的荷叶无限翠绿,映着阳光的荷花别有一番红。
(3)汉代刘彻《秋风词》中描写秋天的古诗。 秋风起白云飞,草木黄雁南归。 秋风萧瑟,天气凉爽,草木摇动,露水化霜。
唐王勃《鸿福膝秋别王亭序》 落云孤鸟齐飞,秋水与天一色。 唐王季《志》:树尽秋色,山只披夕阳。
唐代李白《宣州斜拈楼送秘书叔云》长风送秋雁千里外,可欣赏这高楼。 唐代杜甫《秋风断草屋歌》 八月的高秋风呼啸着,卷起了我家的三个茅草屋顶。
唐代刘禹锡《秋诗二首》:山明水清。 夜间霜降,几棵树变成深红色,变成浅黄色。 唐代杜牧的《秋夕》。 红色的蜡烛在寒冷的秋光中映衬着屏幕,小扇子在流动的萤火虫的映衬下飘动。
(四)描写冬天的古诗名句。 金谢道云的《雪歌联》与白雪相似。 当盐撒在空气中时,差异可想而知。 它不像随风飘扬的柳絮。 唐代李白《冬归故山》:一条藤路碧绿,千座雪峰清。
唐代李白的《北风行》里,燕山的雪花大如席子,纷纷吹落轩辕台。 唐柳宗元的《江雪》。 万山飞鸟都消失了,人的踪迹也都消失了。
泛舟天下翁,独钓树雪。 唐代 高骈《雪》 六朵飞花入屋,我坐看翠竹变绿枝。 唐代白居易的《夜雪》我惊讶地又看到了被子的冰冷和明亮的窗户。
深夜,知雪大,闻竹折声。 二、古诗中的花鸟虫鱼 1、带“花”字的诗 重阳节到了,就会有菊花。
——唐代孟浩然《路过故人村》是江南美景,花落时又相见。 ——唐代杜甫《江南李桂年》 接天荷叶无限翠绿,映日荷花别有红。
——宋·杨万里《黎明净慈寺送林子芳》 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月扬州下。 ——唐代李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵》 晓得红湿处,官城繁花重。
——唐代杜甫《春夜喜雨》 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 ——唐代李白《月下独酌》 西塞山前白鹭飞翔,桃花入流水。
——宋代张致和《玉歌子》 花近高楼伤客心,四面八方皆难来。 ——唐代杜甫《登楼记》 花香渐迷眼,唯浅草无马蹄。
——唐代白居易《钱塘春行二.与鸟诗》 绿柳中二莺鸣,白鹭一行升蓝天。 ——唐代杜甫《四绝句》 草枯鹰眼病,雪去马蹄轻。
——唐代王维《观猎》 二月天草长莺飞,柳拂堤醉春烟。 ——唐代白居易。 西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水使鳜鱼肥。
——宋代张致和《渔歌》 月出鸟惊山,啼泉溪。 ——唐代王维《鸟鸣溪》 春眠不知天明,处处闻鸟语。
——唐·孟浩然《春晓》 万山鸟尽,人迹皆无。 ——唐·柳宗元《江雪》 鸟宿池边树,和尚月下敲门。
——唐代贾岛《李宁隐居题记》 3、惠充诗 一路上稻花谁主? 红蜻蜓与绿螳螂。 ——宋代乐累发《走在秋天的村道》 小荷花刚刚露出尖角,一只蜻蜓已站在上面。
——宋·杨万里《小池塘》 马寅知路实累,蝉吞仍声。 ——清人黄景仁《杂情》 今夜知春风暖,隔绿窗纱虫声新。
——唐代刘方平《月夜》 我无意中带了几朵花,却实际摘了一只蝴蝶下山来。 ——清·朱景素《樵夫词》 不知前面的花好不好,让蜂蝶带头。
——宋·杨万里《寒食宰相游斋园》 当我在南窗枕上初睡时,满园蝴蝶飞舞如雪。 ——明代花有吾《睡醒》 透过花丛,深深看见蝴蝶,水中飞舞的蜻蜓。
——唐代杜甫《曲江酒》 银烛映屏秋光寒,小灯扇扇动流萤。 ——唐代杜牧《秋夕》 4、鱼诗 海潮江满一夜,鲈鱼黎明入塘。
——元宋《济世》实说田家味鲜美,米花落后鲤鱼肥美。 ——清·朱凤祥《乡音》 远方来客,留给我一对鲤鱼。
——无名汉《长城石窟饮马》 三、古诗词中的山水风光 1、天门断楚河开口,碧水在此东流。 ——唐代李白《望天门山》 2、远处孤帆的影子在蓝天里消失了,只见长江在天上流淌。
——唐代李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵》 3、黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。 ——唐·李白《》 4、春江潮至海平,海上明月升。
①古诗,包括古诗(唐以前的诗歌)、楚辞、乐府诗。 需要注意的是,古诗体中的“歌”、“歌行”、“吟”、“曲”、“瀬”等诗歌也属于古诗。
②现代诗(格律诗),包括韵文、绝句。 (七路、七绝、五路、五绝)
④曲、元曲包括散曲和杂剧。 散曲包括小曲和套曲两种。
5、边塞战诗:描写边塞风光和戍边将士的军旅生活,或抒发乐观英雄主义或相思离别的情感。 风格悲壮雄伟,文风奔放。
7、告别诗:依依不舍的回忆; 深情的鼓励; 坦白坦白; 想象告别后的情景、忧虑和对朋友的思念。 13 (1)表达法 ②概括景物所营造的气氛特点。一般可用两个二音节词,如孤独荒凉、幽静秀丽、雄伟壮丽、凄凉凄凉等。能够准确地
古诗包括以下内容:从时间上来说,是指1840年鸦片战争之前的中国诗歌;从时间上来说,是指1840年鸦片战争之前的中国诗歌; 从韵律上来说,古诗可分为古代诗和现代诗。
词是宋代人发明的,又称长句、短句。 古体诗又称古体诗或古体诗; 现代体诗又称现代体诗。
古体诗 古体诗是按照古诗体写成的。 在唐人眼里,从《诗经》到南北朝的庾信,一切都算古老。 因此,所谓古诗文体并没有一定的标准。
然而诗人写的古诗有一个共同点,那就是不受现代诗节奏的束缚。 唐初开始形成的一种对字数、韵律、对仗都有严格规定的格律诗,就是我们所说的现代诗。
现代诗是相对于古诗而言的。 唐代及以后的诗人仍然写古诗。
我们可以说。 凡是不受现代节奏束缚的诗歌,都是古诗。
古诗分为四言古诗、五言古诗、七言古诗。 现代诗歌分为绝句和押韵诗。
现代诗歌分为韵文和绝句。 押韵诗与绝句的区别主要在于句子的数量。
有绝句四首,偈八句。 这首富有韵律的诗共有八行。 第1、2行为第一联,第3、4行为颌联,第5、6行为颈联,第7、8行为最后联。
绝句又称“截句”。 绝句可以相对,也可以不相对,但押韵诗的下颌联和颈联一定是相对的。 押韵诗和绝句都有平衡的要求。
古典诗歌有几种不同的形式,如古诗(又称古诗、古体)、现代诗(又称现代诗、格律诗)、抒情诗(又称诗歌、长短句、曲词、曲词) )和曲。 古诗是古代的自由诗,具有形式自由、长度不限、每句字数不定(指杂词)、无对仗、押韵自由等特点。它包括四言古诗(最早出现在《古诗》)。诗经)、五言古诗(成熟于汉代,如《古诗十九首》)、七言古诗(成熟于唐代,如《长恨歌》)、乐府诗(标题有的加“歌”、“行”、“吟”、“曲”、“吟”、“农”等名称,如“琵琶行”)等形式。
现代诗歌盛行于唐代。 除了节奏之外,章节有定句,句有定字,字有定声,韵有定位。 它有两种类型:绝句和押韵诗。 绝句分为五言绝句(五言绝句)和七言绝句(七绝)两种。
词兴盛于宋代。 按字数可分为小调(58字以内)、中调(59-90字以内)和长调(91字以上)三种形式。 词语的声调有固定的框架,句子有固定的编号,词有固定的声音,韵律有固定的位置。
元代歌曲盛行,有散曲和杂剧两种形式。 散曲有两种形式:小曲(短曲)和套曲(又称“dtimento”)。
(二)诗、词、歌的相关知识 ①古体诗和现代体诗 从诗歌的角度来划分古体诗和现代体诗。
⑤ 话题和单词卡
1. 被誉为“诗仙”(李白)的诗人是谁 2. 被誉为“诗圣”(杜甫)的诗人是谁 3. 李白与杜甫合称“大李、大李”杜”,故被称为“小李杜”(李商隐、杜牧) 4. 至今诗歌流传最多的诗人是谁(陆游) 陆游简介 陆游(1125) -1210年),字吴观,号方翁,越州山阴人(今陆游,浙江省绍兴市人),南宋伟大的爱国诗人。他一生抗金,为抗金收复失地的正义事业奉献了一生,虽然屡遭投降派的排挤和攻击,但他的爱国心始终不渝,至死不渝。仍念念不忘国家统一,勤于创作,一生作诗60年。 现存诗词9300多首,素有“六十年万首诗”之称。 诗歌题材极其广泛,内容丰富,其中“抗金报国”的作品最能体现那个时代的精神。 格律诗,包括韵文和绝句,称为现代诗或现代诗。 古人这么叫,我们现在也这么叫,虽然它其实很古老。 始于南北朝齐梁时期,成熟于唐初。
唐代以前的诗歌,除所谓“齐梁体”外,都称为古体。 唐代以后,不合现代体的诗也被称为古体。
古文与现代文在句法、韵律、韵律上都有差异: 句法:古文每句字数可变,有四字、五字、六字、七字,甚至杂字(句子参差不齐)。 句子的数量也不确定,少则两句,多则十、数百句。 近体只有五字体和七字体。 律诗定为八句,绝句定为四句,八句以上为排列律,又称长律。
韵的运用:每首古体诗可以用一韵,也可以用两韵以上,并允许变韵; 现代体诗每首只能用一韵,即使韵长达几十句,也不能换韵。 。 古语可以在偶数句子中押韵,也可以在奇数句子中押韵。
近式仅在偶数句子中押韵。 除了第一句,可能押韵也可能不押韵(以平声结尾押韵,以仄声结尾不押韵。如果超过五个单词,则不押韵,如果超过七个单词,则不押韵)词,它们不能押韵)。 其余奇数句不能押韵; 古体可以用平声韵,也可以用平声韵; 现代体一般只用平声韵。
平哲:古风和现代风最大的区别就是古风不讲究层次,现代风讲究层次。 唐代以后,古风也讲究平面,但尚未成为规则,可以忽略不计。
古典体诗基本没有格律,所以下面只讲现代体诗。 唐代人们使用的韵书是隋代陆法言所著的《切韵》,这也是后来所有韵书的鼻祖。
宋人将《切韵》扩充,编为《广韵》,共有韵律200多首。 事实上,唐宋诗人所用的韵律并不完全遵循这两本韵书。 唐宋诗人所用的韵律是晋代王文裕编撰的,后来诗人所用的韵律也多以《平水韵》为依据。
《平水韵》共有106韵,其中平声有30韵,分上下两半,称为上平声、下平声。 这只是为了编排方便,并没有语气上的区别。 现代诗只押平韵,所以我们只看这些平韵的韵(每个韵的第一个字): 上平声:一动、二动、三江、四止、五味、六语、七语、八七、九甲、十会、十一震、十二文、十三元、十四汉、十五删除低平声:一弦、二晓、三曜、四昊、五歌、六马、七阳、八更、九情、十汽、十一幽、十二侵、十三檀、十四盐、十五贤。 从这些韵律可以看出,古音与现代音有很大不同。 。
有些韵律在古代属于不同的韵律,但现在已经没有区别了,如侗与侗、江与阳、羽与羽、震与文、萧、尧与浩、贤、炎与贤、庚与庆等。 、汉和删除等等。 如果我们仔细观察每个韵律中的字,我们会发现相反的情况:古人认为属于同一个韵律的东西,但今天却根本不押韵。
比如杜甫《三绝句》首诗(以下诗均举杜诗例,不再注释): 梓树香歇渔岩,新花蕊还没有准备好飞行。 风吹去还好醉,醒了雨就细了。
“飞”和“兮”在平水韵中属于无为,但在普通话中不押韵。 又如第二首:门外鸬鹚会不会来,沙头猛然相见,纷纷猜测。
从今以后,知道人们的愿望,我每天都要回来一百次。 “猜”和“回”在《平水韵》中同属十灰,但现在普通话里不押韵。
对于古诗的韵,可以将相邻韵的韵,如乙东与二东、四知与无为等,混合在一起共同使用,称为通韵。 然而,现代诗的韵律必须严格只使用同韵的词。 即使该韵律的字数很少(称为窄韵),也不能与其他韵律的单词混合。 忌讳。
但如果第一句押韵,你可以借用相邻的押韵。 因为第一句话可以赌也可以不赌,所以可以容纳。
比如《军中醉酒送申八六叟》:酒渴爱江青,余干洗婉婷。 坐在柔软的沙子上,从冰冷的石头中醒来。
野餐随行帐,华阴发自灵。 君不见几杯,沈明已经被送走了。
这句诗中的“听、行、令、鸣”声平,但第一句借用了巴庚的“清”。 这就是所谓借邻韵的由来,在唐末盛行,甚至在宋代形成一股风潮。
现代人写现代体诗,当然可以用现代韵。 要想按照传统使用“评水韵”,就得注意古今音的区别,尤其是读古诗时。
这些差异有时可以借助方言来区分,但不一定可靠,唯一能做的就是多读书、背下来。 汉语有四声,是齐梁时期文人发现的。
梁武帝曾问朱易:“你们这些文人,一天说四遍,这是什么意思?” 皖声为来声,符声为汝声。 当水平向上时,就形成了中古汉语的四声,当水平向上时,就称为仄声。
在四种提示音中,最有问题的是来电提示音。 梁武帝又问:“天子手考为什么没有四声呢?”
那么声音是什么? 发音短促,喉咙有些堵。 一类是通过停止音 t、p、k 来接收的。
诗歌概念的由来 诗歌是一种注重情感的文学体裁。 它以抒情的方式反映社会生活,高度凝练,以丰富的想象、富有节奏感、优美的语言和线条的排列形式来表达思想情感。
诗歌是一种有韵律、韵律、情感的语言艺术形式。 它也是世界上最古老、最基本的文学形式。 诗歌起源于古代社会生活。 它是由劳动生产、性爱、原始宗教等产生的有节奏、有情感的语言形式。
《礼记·御书》:“诗抒志,歌咏言,音永恒,韵律和。” 《礼记·乐记》:“诗言志,歌咏其声,舞谓动。其内容也:三者发于心,而器从之。”
早期,诗、歌、乐、舞融为一体。 诗就是歌词,在实际演出中总是与音乐、舞蹈结合起来演唱。 后来诗、歌、乐、舞独立发展,成为独立的实体。 诗歌和歌曲统称为诗歌。
诗歌风格概述诗歌风格的分类是一个复杂的问题。 现在,我们就笼统地讲一下汉、魏、六朝、唐宋的诗风。
汉魏六朝的诗歌统称为古诗,包括汉魏古乐府诗、南北朝乐府民歌以及这一时期的文人诗。 乐府原是衙门名称。
乐府歌词由乐府琴收集,配乐谱演唱。 《文心调龙乐府》篇云:“乐词曰诗,诗声曰歌。
"From this we can see the relationship between the three concepts of poetry, song and Yuefu: poetry refers to the lyrics written by the poet, song refers to the music that goes with the poem, and Yuefu refers to both. Later works that copied the old Yuefu titles or imitated the Yuefu style were also called Yuefu although they did not have music.
In the middle Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi and others launched a New Yuefu movement, innovating topics and writing about current affairs, so it was called New Yuefu. From the perspective of rhythm, the poetry styles after the Tang Dynasty can be roughly divided into two categories: modern poetry and ancient poetry.
Modern poetry is also called modern poetry, which has a certain rhythm. Archaic poetry is generally called ancient style, which is written according to the method of ancient poetry, with a relatively free form and not bound by rhythm.
Judging from the number of words in the poems, there are so-called four-character poems, five-character poems and seven-character poems. Four words is a sentence of four characters, five words is a sentence of five characters, and seven words is a sentence of seven characters.
After the Tang Dynasty, four-character poems became rare, so they are usually divided into five-character and seven-character poems. Five-character ancient style poems are referred to as Wugu for short; seven-character ancient style poems are referred to as Qigu for short;
Five-character regulated poems are referred to as Wulu for short, and are limited to eight sentences and forty words; seven-character regulated poems are referred to as Qilu, and are limited to eight sentences and fifty-six characters. More than eight sentences are called long rhythm, also called row rhythm.
Changlu is generally a five-character poem. There are only four sentences called quatrains; there are 20 characters in Wujue, and 28 characters in Qijue.
Quatrains can be divided into two types: Rhythm Jue and Gu Jue. The law must be restricted by the melody of Pingze, and the ancient times are not limited by the melody of Pingze.
Ancient Jue is generally limited to Wu Jue. The name "Modern Poetry" was first used in 1953 when Ji Xian founded the "Modern Poetry Club".
The meaning of modern poetry: 1. The form is free 2. The connotation is open 3. Image management is more important than rhetoric. The comparison between "Classical Poetry" and "Modern Poetry": "Poems" are all written for the feeling of things, and they are the reflection of the soul.
"Classical Poetry" uses the poetic concept of "thinking without evil" to express gentleness and honesty, sorrow but not complaint, emphasizing "between incomprehensible and incomprehensible". "Modern Poetry" emphasizes the spirit of freedom and openness, and communicates "between the sensible and the imperceptible" with straightforward situational statements.
Poetry mainly has the following parts: (1) The origin of poetry Poetry is the oldest and most literary style of literature. Originated from labor songs and folk songs of ancient people, it was originally a general term for poetry and songs.
In the beginning, there was no distinction between poetry and song. Poetry was combined with music and dance, collectively called poetry. Chinese poetry has a long history and rich heritage, such as, "Book of Songs", "Chu Ci" and "Han Yuefu" as well as the works of countless poets.
Poetry in Western Europe began with poets such as Homer and Sappho in ancient Greece and Virgil and Horace in ancient Rome. (2) Characteristics of Poetry Poetry is a literary genre that highly summarizes and reflects social life. It is full of the author's thoughts, feelings and rich imagination. The language is concise and vivid, with distinctive rhythm, harmonious phonology, and rich For the beauty of music, sentences are generally arranged in separate lines, focusing on the beauty of structural form.
He Qifang, a modern Chinese poet and literary critic, once said: "Poetry is a literary style that most concentratedly reflects social life. It is full of rich imagination and emotions, often expressed in a direct and lyrical way, and is refined and harmonious. To an extent, especially in the distinctness of rhythm, its language is different from the language of prose." This definitional statement summarizes several basic characteristics of poetry: first, it reflects life in a highly concentrated and general way; second, it reflects life in a highly concentrated and general way; Second, it is lyrical and full of rich thoughts and feelings; third, it is rich in imagination, association and fantasy; fourth, the language has musical beauty.
(3) Poetry's expression techniques There are many poetry expression techniques. The earliest and most popular traditional expression techniques in my country are "Fu, Bi and Xing". "Preface to Mao's Poems" says: "There are six meanings in poetry: one is wind, the other is Fu, the third is Bi, the fourth is Xing, the fifth is Ya, and the sixth is Ode."
Among the "six meanings", "wind, elegance, and song" refer to the types of poems in the "Book of Songs", and "fu, bi, and xing" are the expression techniques in poetry. Fu: It is a means of expressing things directly.
Zhu Xi, a scholar of the Song Dynasty, said in the annotation of "Collected Poems": "The poet states the story and speaks directly." For example, "Ge Tan" and "Fu Tiao" in the "Book of Songs" use this technique.
Bi: It is the use of metaphors to describe things and express thoughts and feelings. Liu Xie said in "Wen Xin Diao Long·Bixing": "And what is Bi? It is to cover things with meanings and threaten to express things."
Zhu Xi said: "To compare, compare this thing with another thing." For example, "Katydid" and "Shuo Rat" in "The Book of Songs" were written using this method.
Xing: It is a writing method that uses the beginning of something to evoke the thing to be described in the topic and to express thoughts and feelings. Kong Yingda of the Tang Dynasty said in "Mao Shi Zhengyi": "Those who thrive are those who rise.
Using examples to draw inspiration from one's own mind, poems and essays that use plants, trees, birds, and animals to express one's thoughts are all inspired by speech. Zhu Xi pointed out more clearly: "Those who are interested must first talk about other things to trigger the words to be chanted." ”
For example, chapters such as "Guanyong" and "Taoyao" in "The Book of Songs" use the expression "Xing".
9. The knowledge about ancient poetry should be shorter but comprehensive. 谢谢。
The best answer "ancient poetry" originally means poetry written by ancient people. Around the end of the Wei Dynasty and the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, a batch of five-character poems written by literati before the Wei and Jin Dynasties circulated. They had neither titles nor authors. Most of them were lyrical poems with unique expression techniques and artistic styles, and were collectively referred to as "ancient poems." Shen Deqian of the Qing Dynasty said: "Nineteen ancient poems are not necessarily written by one person, but were written at one time. They drove away ministers and abandoned their wives, had many friends, wandered in a foreign land, and felt a new connection between life and death. Some are allegories, some are explicit, some are repeated. . At the beginning, there were no strange thoughts or thrilling sentences, but the ancient poems of Xijing were all inferior to them." ("Shuo Shi □ Language") In the Jin and Song Dynasties, these "ancient poems" were regarded as a model of five-character poetry. Lu Ji of the Western Jin Dynasty imitated 12 of them line by line. Tao Yuanming in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Bao Zhao in the Song Dynasty, etc., all have "Ancient Poems" that learn the techniques and styles of "ancient poetry". By the Liang Dynasty, Liu Xie's "Wen Xin Diao Long" and Zhong Rong's "Shi Pin" theoretically summarized and commented on the artistic characteristics and value of "ancient poems", explored their authors, eras and origins, and generally determined that they were from the Han Dynasty work. At the same time, Xiao Tong's "Selected Works" and Xu Ling's "New Odes of Yutai" of the Chen Dynasty determined the scope of "ancient poetry" in terms of poetry classification: any work without a clear title is called "miscellaneous poetry" if it has an author, and "miscellaneous poetry" if it is unknown. "Ancient Poetry". Therefore, after Liang and Chen, "ancient poetry" has formed a special category name with specific meaning. It is also known as Yuefu Geci in the Han Dynasty, and it refers specifically to the five-character poems written by anonymous people in the Han Dynasty, and has developed into a general reference to a style of poetry with the artistic characteristics of "ancient poetry". And "Nineteen Ancient Poems" occupies the status of the masterpiece of "Ancient Poems" in the history of literature, and this title has become a special title.
The ancient poetic style before the Tang Dynasty was a poetic style that did not pay attention to rhythm and did not limit the number of words and sentences. After the Tang Dynasty, due to the emergence of modern poetry, poets deliberately imitated the writing methods of ancient poetry in the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties in order to distinguish ancient poetry from the emerging metrical poetry, and restricted it in certain aspects, thus forming a fixed pattern of ancient poetry in the Tang Dynasty. The result is to turn the completely free poetry style before the Tang Dynasty into a semi-free verse between metrical verse and free verse.
Word Count and Lines for Archaic Poetry:
Archaic poetry has neither fixed lines nor fixed styles. 所有古诗都是按照诗句的字数来分类的。 Those with four characters and one sentence are called four-character ancient poems, referred to as Si Gu for short; those with five characters and one sentence are called five-character ancient poems, referred to as Wu Gu for short; Four-character poems have been adopted by people as far back as the "Book of Songs" era. 但到了唐代逐渐衰落,很少有人写它。 因此,古诗仍以五言、七言诗为代表。
Five-character ancient poems are the orthodox ancient style poems, and many people have written them.
Seven-character ancient poetry is not the mainstream of ancient style poetry, which is why it originated late. Therefore, the seven-character stock style is quite influenced by the seven-character modern style poems.
Five-character ancient poems and seven-character ancient poems are both ancient style poems with neat words. There is another type of miscellaneous ancient poems, in which the number of words in the lines is mixed and uneven.
In terms of time, it refers to Chinese poetry works before the Opium War in 1840; in terms of rhythm, ancient poetry can be divided into ancient style poetry and modern style poetry. Words were invented by people in the Song Dynasty, and they are also called long and short sentences. Ancient style poetry is also called ancient poetry or ancient style; 现代体诗又称现代体诗。
ancient poetry
Archaic poetry is written according to the ancient poetic style. In the eyes of Tang people, from the "Book of Songs" to Yu Xin in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, they are all ancient. Therefore, there is no definite standard for so-called following the ancient poetry style. However, the ancient poems written by poets have one thing in common, that is, they are not bound by the rhythm of modern poems. A kind of metrical poetry with strict regulations on the number of words, sound and rhyme, and antithesis, which began to be formed in the early Tang Dynasty, is what we call modern style poetry. Modern style poetry is relative to ancient style poetry. Poets in the Tang Dynasty and afterward still wrote ancient poems. 我们可以说。 All poems that are not bound by the metrical rhythm are ancient poems. Ancient poems are divided into four-character ancient poems, five-character ancient poems, and seven-character ancient poems. Modern poetry is divided into quatrains and verses.
Modern poetry is divided into verses and quatrains. The difference between verses and quatrains mainly lies in the number of sentences. There are four sentences in quatrains and eight sentences in regulated poems. There are eight sentences in the regulated poems, the first and second sentences are the first couplet, the third and fourth sentences are the jaw couplets, the fifth and sixth sentences are the neck couplets, and the seventh and eighth sentences are the last couplets. Quatrains are also called "cut sentences". The quatrains may or may not be in opposition, but the jaw couplets and neck couplets of the verses must be in confrontation. Both the verses and the quatrains have the requirement of levelness.Rhythm poems with more than eight lines are called row rhythm
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