这瓶中国最贵的酒。1935年生产,约400克。在一次拍卖会上,这瓶中国最贵的酒——赖茅酒被宁德市企业家赖先生以1070万元的天价收入囊中。这一价格打破了此前“汉帝茅台”890万元的拍卖记录,一举成为中国白酒拍卖历史上的标王,登顶“中国白酒之王”宝座。这 bottle至今已有81年历史。
号称“酒王”的55度汉帝茅台wine存世量仅10 bottle。产于1992年的1 bottle汉帝茅台在2011年的6月的一个专场拍卖会上,最终以890万元成交。
赖家醇是国窖醉头前身。6月,在北京保利拍卖会上,一 bottle极其珍稀20世纪30年代的大明楼售出260万美元,是个复杂口感风格独特入口后,此款将给人带来一种优雅细腻感觉。
4.汾 酒单片209万
2010年9月,一 bottles汾 酒拍出209万美元天价,是国内高级古董酱油新纪录。在这场于北京举行的一次大型艺术品与收藏品联展期间,大量名家作品及高端收藏品进行竞投,其中包括了一 batch国窖汾酿造出的100多岁陈酿古董酱油,其价值远超市场预期,为观众带来了意想不到的人生体验。
5.陶器装饰杯料 茂 台 酒 单片184万
2011年3月,一 bottles保存完好的1956年的土陶器装饰杯料 茂 台 酒经过激烈竞购,以估值十倍价格成交,这件文物不仅具有很高文化价值,还因为其独特设计而吸引了大量收藏爱好者和艺术鉴赏者。
6.1953年的车轮牌 茂 台 酒 Single Bottle 150 Million Yuan
2012-01-08, the Seventh China Yearly Wine Auction in Guizhou Province was held in Guiyang, where a single bottle of "Car Wheel" wine produced by Renshui Winery in 1953 was sold for 150 million yuan.
7.Five Star Moutai Single Bottle:10350000 Yuan
On June 2nd, 2011, a Chinese wine auction took place at an unnamed location where a single bottle of Five Star Moutai from October 1958 became the highest-priced item with an astonishing price tag of over ten million yuan.
8.A Sixties Shaoxing Wine Single Bottle:98 Million Yuan
In January of the following year (presumably referring to the same calendar year), another rare vintage emerged - this time it was a Sixties Shaoxing Wine that made headlines when it fetched an impressive sum of nearly one hundred million yuan during its sale at an art gallery event.
9.The Nineties Anniversary Edition Golden Award Commemorative Liquor Single Bottle:88 Million Yuan
The commemorative liquor is part of the special edition series launched to celebrate five decades since Shaoxing's first-ever win at Panama International Exposition in 1915 and contains aged spirits from ancient Ming dynasty cellars stored for ninety years prior to bottling.
10.National Cellar No1573 “叁60”Single Bottle:33,66000 Yuan
National Cellar No1573 is known as one such prestigious product within the range offered by Pujiang Distillery Company Limited; The unique heritage behind National Cellar No1573 dates back to Ming Dynasty era when this cellar was built during Wanli reign period or around AD1573; It has been passed down through generations before being discovered and revived by Pujiang Distillery Company Limited who sought inspiration from these historical roots while creating their modern-day products like National Cellar No15731 "叁60", which boasts rich aroma and robust taste as well as being handcrafted using traditional methods preserving all aspects that make our brand truly authentic!