我曾经了解到,古埃及底比斯的主神因为底比斯的兴起而成为国家的主神。这个名字意指“The Hidden One”,圣兽是鹅和公羊。阿蒙是埃及南方的底比斯的主神。在埃及第十一王朝时,底比斯成了埃及首都,阿蒙迅速提高为全埃及的主神,代替拉神的地位。法老王更是下令全国自许信奉阿蒙一个为主神,但是拉神的崇拜并没有因此而消失,阿蒙和拉神融为一体,成为阿蒙-拉,称为众神之王,天界的王。人间的法老王被看作是阿蒙-拉的儿子。
我知道阿蒙与拉神一样,是太阳神。与拉神不同的是,阿蒙 神一般以一位英俊威严的男子出现,而拉却是以慈祥年迈的老者出现。与原来拉 神代替 阿特姆不同,阿 蒙 并 没 有 融 入 九 柱 天 神 系 统。 阿 蒙 作 为 底 比 斯 的 地 方 主 神 时 候 有 着 自 己 不 太 完 整 的 家 族 系 统( 这 是 埃 及 许 多 地 方 主 神 的 共 同 特 点), 他 有 自 己 的 妻 子 和 儿 子。
成为了全埃及主god后,这个系统依旧跟随着Armon. Armon's wife is a beautiful goddess, called Mut, and his son is Khonsu, the moon god. Armon lives with his wife and son in the Karnak temple of Thebes.
There is a story about Armon and his son:
Armon never revealed himself to humans in his true form, not even to his son Khonsu. However, Khonsu requested that he do so before him. Armon was reluctant to break this rule but did not want to disappoint his son either. Therefore he used an ox's skin and head to cover himself up before appearing before Khonsu who then believed he had seen his father's true form.
From then on Egyptians did not kill any cattle except for one each year on the birthday of Armon when they would use its hide to wrap around the statue of Armon as a symbol of reverence for their god.