
  • 知识
  • 2025年02月15日
  • 在一个宁静的夜晚,一位农夫驾着大车,载着一堆瓦盆行驶在乡间小路上。他的马儿经过了一整天的劳作,终于精疲力竭,只好停在了一个古老墓地前的草地上。农夫下了车,将马匹放到草地上休息,然后自己躺在一座坟墓边休息,但他很快就发现身下的土壤开始缓缓裂开。 惊慌失措中,农夫迅速跳起来躲到了旁边。坟墓中的僵尸slowly爬出棺材,它背负着一块木板,上身披着白色的长袍。僵尸离开了墓穴,前往教堂





“正好可以用来喂猪!” farmer replied with a chuckle. “善良的人,请还给我吧!” The zombie's tone softened.

The farmer asked, “What did you do in the town?” The zombie sighed and said, “I went to the town and took the lives of two young men.”

The farmer asked again, “How can I make them come back to life?” The zombie hesitated before saying, "You must cut off my left sleeve and carry it with you. When you get to their room, burn some charcoal on a clay pot and place my sleeve near the fire. Close the door."

So the farmer cut off part of the zombie's robe as instructed and returned it to him. With that done, he watched as zombies returned to their graves. As daybreak approached, farmers drove away from his cart towards town.

As they rode into town, they heard someone crying inside a house nearby; so he opened up his horse’s reins stepped inside where two dead young men were lying on beds covered in blankets.

"Don't cry anymore! I can bring them back!" He shouted out loud at them while opening up doors for people outside who were waiting anxiously for news about what had happened earlier that night when these boys had been killed by this man who was known for having supernatural powers over death itself...