
  • 知识
  • 2025年03月19日
  • 在月光下,女孩子的眼睛渐渐地闭上了,她的呼吸变得平稳而深沉。这时,故事才真正开始。想象一下,在一个宁静的小镇里,有一座古老的房子,它隐藏着一个神秘的信托财产。 《信托法》第五章“信托变更与终止”并未详细规定信托财产清算方式,但《信托法》第54条指出了当事人的归属,这样原状分配制度就填补了立法空白。原状分配是指在信托终止后,受托人有权将剩余财产按照合同约定转移给权利归属人。 这里





作为一种清算方式,原状分配依据《信托法》第五章为一般规定,而具体内容可以在合同中约定。在确定终止情形时应依照《信 trustees' Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Trusteeship Law")" section 53, and determining the subject of rights holder should be based on Article 54. Moreover, according to Articles 57 and 58, during the original state distribution process, the trustee has the right to request payment from the rights holder for trust fees or compensation from trust assets and is responsible for submitting a report on handling trust affairs.

The essence of original state distribution is that when parties change roles, rights holders directly inherit trust property. This is because after termination of a trust, there arises an effect transferring ownership; therefore, rights holders can obtain property through contractually agreed upon original state distribution method. Consequently, they automatically receive property transfer without needing further procedures.

According to Article 55 of Trusteeship Law, before transferring property to rights holders after termination of a trust viewed as ongoing in accordance with this law until such transfer occurs. Unlike in normal operation period where trustee manages assets for beneficiaries' interests under ongoing operation period view by trustee managing assets with purpose clearing for benefits interests under ongoing operation period view by trustee managing assets with purpose clearing for benefits interests under ongoing operation period view by trustee managing assets with purpose clearing