
  • 知识
  • 2025年01月28日
  • 从前,有个年轻人每天挑着担子走街串巷卖油为生,人们叫他“卖油郎”,因为家里穷尚未娶妻。有一天,在路上,他看到有人在卖画,画上画的是一个非常漂亮的年轻女子,卖油郎一下着了迷,便立即将那幅画买下来,然后不再去卖油,只是对着这幅画看。 几天过去了,尽管这样做并非长久之计,但他无法抗拒那幅美丽的画像,每当夜幕降临,他就会梦到那个女子,就像她真的活在他的世界中一样。他开始相信,那个女子一定会成为他的伴侣。






决定揭开真相后,一连几天, sells oil, he carefully observed the woman who seemed to be cooking in his home. As soon as she finished her meal and was about to return to the painting, he confronted her. To his surprise, she agreed not to go back into the painting if he promised not to sell oil anymore.

After that day, they lived together as husband and wife. The woman proved to be a skilled homemaker, keeping their home tidy and organized while sells oil went out every day. They had two adorable children who brought joy and laughter into their lives.

However, as time passed by, the children grew up and began exploring the world beyond their home. One day when they were busy with their own affairs, they found an old picture hidden away in a trunk - it was none other than the one sells oil had bought years ago from a street vendor.

The beautiful woman in the painting noticed something peculiar - there was no sign of life or movement coming from within its borders for some reason. Curiosity piqued, she decided to investigate further only to discover that her existence within those lines had been erased!

Sends Oil's heart sank like a stone dropped into deep waters; he realized that his beloved wife must have returned back into that very same painting which once captivated him so much! He frantically searched everywhere for any trace of her but could find nothing except remnants of memories shared between them over all these years.

And then it hit him - what if she wasn't just another ordinary mortal? What if there was more behind this mysterious tale? After all those moments spent gazing at her portrait each night before bed came flooding back: dreams where both worlds intertwined seamlessly without boundaries or limitations...

He stood tall amidst despairing circumstances now filled with hope & determination instead:

"What kind fate binds us apart?"

"Will I ever see you again?"

Intrigued by these questions swirling around my mind like autumn leaves on windy days...