从前,有一个年轻人每天挑着担子走街串巷卖油为生,人们叫他“卖油郎”,因为家里穷尚未娶妻。有一天,在路上,他看到有人在卖画,画上绘的是一个非常漂亮的年轻女子。Sell oil suddenly fell in love with the painting and bought it, then stopped selling oil, carefully carrying the painting back home and hanging it on the wall. Every day after that, sell oil would go out to sell oil but always glance at the painting before leaving.
中午时分,sell oil returned home, smelling the fragrance of cooked food wafting from inside. He lifted up a lid to find hot steaming dumplings inside. Sell oil was extremely hungry and without hesitation devoured them greedily for several days in a row. At first, sell oil thought it might be his neighbor Mrs. Liu who had taken pity on him and cooked for him, so he went to thank her but Mrs. Liu said she wasn't the one who made them; confused by this, sell oil decided to find out who was responsible for these delicious meals.
The next morning as usual sell oil set off with his basket of goods only to return shortly afterward hiding behind the door. As lunchtime approached a beautiful young woman emerged from within the painting into their kitchen where she began cooking with incredible speed producing meal after meal until they were all done then returning back into her picture frame just as quickly.
This continued every day; each evening when dinner was ready she would come down cook while he ate alone watching over her till nightfall when she vanished back into her picture frame once more till dawn came again The couple grew closer & closer they even got married & had two adorable children eventually forgetting about that old faded portrait which lay hidden away in an old trunk deep within their storage room unopened years later...
One day while sorting through old trunks in search of something lost my wife found this forgotten portrait (the very same one) She gazed upon it longingly then stepped right through its frame disappearing forever... I searched far & wide for my dear wife but couldn't find any trace nor sign or clue left behind except those memories we shared together... It turns out my lovely wife was actually a spirit sent from another world because of some past life debt owed me now repaid 15 yrs later
And so our story comes full circle like many tales told throughout history often touching hearts yet never failing to leave us pondering questions about fate destiny true love reincarnation etcetera...