sells his charcoal, he always keeps a small pot of wine on the edge of his cart. It's not just for sale, but also as a token of friendship and hospitality. He believes that even in the coldest winter, there should be warmth in every heart. And so he pours out a cup for each visitor who comes to buy or simply chat.
With spring approaching, business is booming again. The old man's cart is filled with coal sacks, and his laughter echoes through the streets as he chats with friends and neighbors. As night falls, he sits by the fire pit at home, counting his earnings and planning for the next day.
The old man has no children to inherit his business when he retires; however, many young men from neighboring villages have come to learn from him over the years. They are grateful for their mentorship under him and hope one day they can repay their debts by helping others like him.
As time goes by, life becomes more prosperous in this village; new roads are built connecting it to other towns nearby. However these changes do not make people forget about this humble figure who once lit up their lives with warm light.
Despite all these developments - including modern transportation options - people still visit this seller of charcoal because they find comfort in seeing someone who never changed despite all changes around them.
In recent years some visitors have come seeking stories from days past: tales of hardship during famine times when only charcoal could keep families alive or how during war times charcoal was used as currency.
This is why even though society has moved forward much since then - technology advanced greatly etc., yet we still remember those sellers like our beloved "charcoal king" who endured through thick & thin alongside us.
Today while looking back upon history we see that selling charcoal isn't just an occupation but also serves as a symbol for resilience against adversity.
And so now you might wonder what does tomorrow hold? For me personally I believe it will be something beautiful if we continue living together hand-in-hand towards progress while remembering where we came from & honoring those unsung heroes such as our "charcoal king".