brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht, who have consistently ranked among Europe's wealthiest individuals in recent years. They are also rising stars on the US Forbes rich list. But unlike other tycoons, they rarely make headlines or appear in public.
The Aldi brothers were born into a humble mining family in Germany. After completing their education, they began their careers as apprentices in other people's food stores. In 1946, after World War II ended, they opened their own food shop. Initially, they sold butter at the lowest price on the market, which proved to be very popular.
Later on, the brothers decided to focus on non-perishable goods that could be stored for long periods of time. This business model was a huge success and by the end of the 1950s, there were over 300 Aldi stores across Germany with annual sales exceeding one billion marks.
What sets Aldi apart from other retailers is its low prices even when converted into Chinese yuan. For example, one kilogram of flour costs just €1.8 while a liter of apple juice costs €3.5 - both significantly cheaper than many European countries' average national income per capita.
Today Aldi has expanded beyond Germany to twelve countries including America with over 6,000 stores worldwide and an aggressive expansion strategy opening at least one new store each week.
Despite being cheaply priced however it's not just about affordability that has won customers for decades but also quality control standards set by Ardi before purchasing goods from suppliers if samples fail quality tests then products are immediately removed from supplier lists without penalty payments demanded this way manufacturers know Ardi demand is high stable hence factory life improves further Ardi strictly limits product variety to around six hundred items for southern locations and seven fifty for northern ones
originally planned gradually expand variety but found limited stock increased revenue meanwhile operating costs lower compared to competitors
Recently some customers encountered strange incidents at Ardi shops where cashiers seemed shortchanged them out intentionally this was done by Theo speed up cashier efficiency changing prices like altering 1:57 mark price tag to 1:55 mark or altering former price tag of 1:54 marks now changed it to O.OO5 marks surface loss but actually sped up sales attracted more customers afterwards all items had tail numbers changed either O or five
Employees have good income yet high expectations similar familiarity with every item pricing accuracy faster than most supermarkets using scanners
High work efficiency comes from unique reward system monthly turnover above five thousand marks can claim three percent bonus fifteen euros; above ten thousand turns three point thirty nine percent bonus thirty euros increases accordingly due diligence employees thus work diligently