
  • 诗人
  • 2025年02月19日
  • 在德国,一个家族以创新的商业模式和严格的运营理念,凭借智慧和勇气,从贫穷中走向了成功。卡尔·阿尔布莱希特和特奥·阿尔布莱希特这对兄弟,在欧洲富豪排行榜上稳居前列,他们的连锁超市——阿尔迪,以极低的价格吸引了大量顾客。然而,这对兄弟却极少在媒体或公众面前露面,他们的成功故事隐藏在他们不做广告、几乎不进行企业形象宣传的背后。 阿尔迪超市以“穷人店”而闻名,德国人甚至将其解释为“所有穷人都感谢你”




尽管如此,阿尔迪依然成为了一种颠覆性的现代企业管理理论,它展示了如何通过简化供应链、控制成本并提供高性价比产品来取得成功。 brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht, who have been ranked among the wealthiest people in Europe for years, and their discount supermarket chain Aldi.

The Albrecht brothers were born into a poor mining family in Germany. After completing their education, they began working in other people's food stores as apprentices. In 1946, after World War II ended, they opened their own food store. Initially, they sold butter at the lowest price on the market, which proved to be very successful.

Later, the brothers decided to focus on selling non-perishable goods that could be stored for long periods of time. This idea quickly proved successful and by the late 1950s, there were over 300 Aldi stores with annual sales of over €1 billion.

One of Aldi's most distinctive features is its low prices. Even when converted to Chinese yuan (RMB), many items are very affordable - for example, a kilogram of flour costs RMB 1.8 and a liter box of pure apple juice costs RMB 3.5 while German GDP per capita is over $20 thousand.

Today Aldi operates in twelve countries including America with more than 6 thousand stores expanding at a rate of opening one new store every week or so. The company's success can be attributed not only to its low prices but also its efficient operations and strict quality control standards.

Aldi only purchases products from suppliers that meet specific quality standards set by them; if any sample fails these standards it will immediately remove it from purchase orders without paying compensation fees either way customers are dissatisfied with purchased goods aldi offers full refunds unlike other large supermarkets aldi’s demand is high yet stable making life easier for suppliers once chosen as an official supplier factories know days would go better too further differentiating themselves from similar chains like lidl or hypermarkets aldi strictly controls product varieties limiting itself to less than seven hundred fifty products overall north aldii has fewer options south aldii even less however this business strategy turned out profitable increasing retail volume reducing operating expenses

Product prices end in O or 5

At some point customers encountered strange occurrences at Aldi: cashiers appeared to take less money from them unintentionally .it was actually Theo who had made changes , cutting prices such as changing originally marked price €1:57 down to €1:55 then later changed original €1:54 down again further adjustments resulted with all future product pricing ending in either zero or five thus speeding up payment process attracting more clients

It is said employees have good income but also high demands on each item 's price being well-versed like arithmetic calculations faster than automatic scanning machines common practice staff efficiency comes from unique reward system where monthly sales exceeding five million marks earns three percent bonus fifteen hundred marks above ten million earns three point thirty-three percent bonus three thirty marks escalating accordingly hardworking employees result

This article tells us about how two ordinary men started off small but grew into something big through innovation and determination never losing sight of what really mattered - providing value & service .Their story encourages us believe anything possible no matter background wealth status we all deserve chance succeed
