
  • 诗人
  • 2025年02月19日
  • 孟红托着腮静静凝视着对面一脸专注的婆婆。婆婆的左手里拿着一张蓝色的宣纸,右手拿着一把剪刀。在烛光的映照下,孟红仿佛看到了爷爷下葬时乐师哼唱的歌曲,那是家乡流传的《剪纸歌》。 “怎么了?”对面的婆婆抬起了头问。孟红摇了摇头,擦了擦眼角的泪。这个时候,她内心深处有一股暖意在涌动,那是她从小就喜欢听奶奶讲述的小故事,而现在,这些故事正成为她和周子全之间最深情厚谊的一部分。




“我想起来我小时候听妈妈说过的一个故事。” 孟红轻声说道,“关于一个村庄里的猫神,它不仅能看到人类看不见的事情,还能保护村民们。”



“它叫做‘守护者’。” 孟 Redsighed, “据说当你遇到难以解决的问题或者感到害怕的时候,只要闭上眼睛想象那个守护者,就会感觉到一种莫名其妙的安慰。”


“我们都有我们的守护者,” 周子全柔声地说,“无论是在梦中还是现实中,无论它们是什么样子,它们总是存在于我们心里。”

听到这里,孟 Redsuddenly felt a warmth spread through her chest. She knew that she wasn't alone, and that there were people who cared about her, who would be by her side no matter what happened.

The blue paper man in the room seemed to fade away as they continued to talk. The flickering candlelight cast shadows on their faces, but it was no longer a source of fear or discomfort. Instead, it became a symbol of their connection, a reminder of the love and support they shared.

As the night wore on, Son's voice began to slur slightly from exhaustion. But he didn't stop talking. He couldn't let go of this moment with his wife-to-be. They talked about everything and nothing at all – about their dreams for the future, their fears for tomorrow.

And then Son fell asleep in his chair beside her bed. His breathing was steady now, his face peaceful in sleep.

Son woke up hours later with a start when he heard someone whispering softly into his ear: "You're home now." It was Son's mother-in-law speaking gently into his ear as she placed him back onto the couch where he had fallen asleep earlier that night.

"Thank you," Son whispered back sleepily before drifting off again into dreamland filled with visions of blue paper men dancing under moonlit skies while whispers of ancient stories echoed around them like an eternal lullaby.

In reality though – after several days spent confined within those four walls – something strange happened inside Moni's mind during one fateful evening when she accidentally stumbled upon an old abandoned building near school number three which housed rumors about supernatural occurrences due partly due to its dark past history involving death and curses laid upon it by an unknown entity known only as "the ghost student".

This encounter left such indelible marks on Moni's psyche that even months later when confronted by similar feelings brought forth from memories associated with this event; yet another time did these haunting apparitions manifest themselves once more - albeit differently than how they initially appeared:

A series called 'The Paper People' unfolded slowly revealing snippets from various lives lived among different cultures across centuries - some where cats played important roles & others not so much - but each story shared common thread running through them i.e., emotional depth & intensity leading towards catharsis!
