过了一个色彩斑斓的秋天,冬天就悄然来临。为了在寒冷的泥洞中度过漫长的冬日,小鼹鼠必须在严冬到来之前,在洞内储备足够的食物。看着小鼹鼠忙碌的小身影,隔壁的小刺猬开口了:“小鼹鼠,你太辛苦了,让我帮你一起寻找食物吧!” 小刺猬和小鼹鼠一起努力,他们收集到了土豆、花生、栗子以及甜枣,一股脑地送到了鼹鼠家的洞口。小鼹鼠说:“这么多东西,足以让我吃个整个冬天。你,小刺猬,不是给自己留点吗?” “不用。”小刺猬回答,“因为我会进入冬眠,那时候是不吃不喝的,用不着准备东西。”
就在这时,他床下的床忽然说话了:“别担心,你很快就会再次入睡。” 这一句话让人难以置信,因为床怎么能说话呢?但它没有进一步解释,只轻声唱起歌:
Small hedgehog shut his eyes and waited a moment before opening them again, only to find that his bedside table had indeed been filled with nuts and dried fruit, the nuts having been shelled.
The hedgehog thought for a moment and then said, "But this won't be enough."
"Please close your eyes," the bed replied. The hedgehog closed his eyes just as they snapped open again, revealing two hands holding nuts and dried fruit coming out from under the bed. The hedgehog grabbed one of these hands and pulled out none other than his dear friend Small Mole.
It turned out that Small Mole had heard the loud wind and heavy snow outside, so he worried about how well Hedgehog was sleeping. He quickly came to Hedgehog's window, saw him staring blankly at the ceiling with hunger in his eyes. Then he rushed back home to fetch some food for his friend.
Mole dug a tunnel all the way down to Hedgehog's bed bottom before delivering the food there himself.
Hedgehog climbed up from under the bed once more but this time with a big smile on his face because he was so happy for what Mole did for him. He crawled into Hedgehog's mouth once more but now put plenty of nuts in it too while helping him snuggle under warm blankets again.
Mole went back into hiding beneath Hedgegy's bed where it began singing softly:
"North wind howls,
Snowflakes fall,
Spring isn't here yet.
Close your eyes tight,
Sleep peacefully through winter night."
Asleep on this magical singing bed, Little Stickleback felt cozy all over; he fell asleep once more...