余昔于江陵,见天台司马子微,谓余有仙风道骨,可与神游八极之表。因著大鹏遇希有鸟赋以自广。此赋已传于世,往往人间见之。悔其少作,未穷宏达之旨,中年弃之。及读晋书,睹阮宣子大鹏赞 鄙心陋之。遂更记忆,大将旧本不同。今复存手集,不敢传诸作者庶可示之子弟而已。
其辞曰:南华老仙发天机于漆园吐峥嵘之高论开浩荡之奇言徵至怪于齐谐谈北溟 之有鱼吾不知其几千里,其名曰鲲化成大鹏质凝胚浑脱鬐鬣于海岛张羽毛于天门刷渤澥 之春流晞扶桑 之朝暾燀赫乎宇宙凭陵乎昆仑一鼓一舞烟朦沙昏五岳为之一震荡百川为之一崩奔乃蹶厚地揭太清亘层霄突重溟激三千以崛起向九万而迅征背嶪太山 之崔嵬翼举长云 之纵横左回右旋倏阴忽明历汗漫以夭矫羾阊阖 之峥嵘簸鸿蒙扇雷霆斗转而天动山摇而海倾怒无所搏雄无所争固可想象其势仿佛其形若乃足萦虹蜺目耀日月连轩沓拖挥霍翕忽喷气则生云洒毛则千里飞雪邈彼北荒将穷南图运逸翰以傍击鼓奔飙 而长驱烛龙衔光 以照物列缺施鞭 而启途块视三山杯观五湖其动也神应其行 也道俱任公见之而罢钓莫不投竿失镞仰之长吁尔 其雄姿壮观坱轧河汉上摩苍苍下覆漫漫盘古开天 而直视羲和倚日 以旁叹缤纷乎八荒之间掩映乎四海 之半当胸臆 之掩昼若混茫 之未判忽腾覆 以回转则霞廓 而雾散然后六月 一息至 于海湄欻翳景 以横翥逆高天 而下垂憩乎泱漭 之野入乎汪湟 之池猛势所射馀风 所吹 溟涨沸渭岩峦 纷披 天吴为之一怵栗 海若 为之一躨跜 巨鳌冠山 而却走长鲸 腾海 而下驰 缩壳挫鬣 莫之敢窥 吾亦不测 其神怪 若此 盖乃造化 尽力也岂比夫蓬莱 黄鹄耻苍梧 玄凤 既服御 于灵仙久驯扰 于池隍精卫殷勤 于衔木鶢鶋 悲愁 乎荐觞 天鸡警晓 蟠桃踆乌晰耀 太阳 不旷荡 而纵适何拘挛 而守常 未若兹 鹏 逍遥 无厥类 乎比方 不矜 大而暴猛每顺时而行藏参玄根 以比寿饮元气 以充肠 戏旸谷 而徘徊冯炎洲 而抑扬俄而希 有鸟 见谓我 曰伟哉鹏 乎 此 彼乐 也 我右翼 掩 西极 左翼蔽 东荒 跨蹑 地络 周旋 天纲 以恍惚 为巢以虚无 为场 我呼尔 游尔 同我 翱于是犹 大鹏 许 我 欣然相随此二禽 已登 寥廓,而斥 鷃 辈 空见笑 藩篱。大鹏赋改编:
在江陵的岁月里,我曾遇到司马子微,他说我似仙凡合体,可以与神共游九重天。我便借着这般奇异的境界,为自己编了篇《大鹏遇异鸟》 poems to inspire and motivate others. This poem has been passed down through the ages, and many people have seen it in their daily lives. I regret not having completed it sooner, as I did not fully explore its profound meaning in my youth. Now that I am older, I have revisited the original text and made some changes to reflect my newfound understanding.
The poem begins with a description of a mythical bird called the Big Peng () who is said to soar through the heavens, defying gravity and convention. The poet marvels at its majestic appearance and describes how it effortlessly glides across the skies, leaving all other birds in awe of its grandeur.
The second stanza continues this theme of wonder and awe as we are told that this incredible bird can travel vast distances without tiring or losing its strength. It's an inspiring image for anyone who feels limited by their own abilities or fears they cannot reach their full potential.
In stanza three we learn more about this amazing creature's ability to navigate even the most challenging terrain with ease while still maintaining its gracefulness. Its flight is so effortless that even those who see it from below feel inspired by its majesty!
As we move into stanza four, our focus shifts from just observing this incredible sight but rather actively participating in what makes life worthwhile - embracing change & growth! We're encouraged to be open-minded like these birds which don't fear new experiences nor do they hold back when faced with challenges!
Finally (in stanza five), there is a sense of gratitude towards these creatures for teaching us valuable lessons about perseverance & self-belief; encouraging us never give up on our dreams no matter how difficult things may seem at first glance!
Overall: "Big Peng" serves as an allegory for overcoming adversity & reaching one's true potential while appreciating nature’s beauty along the way – something everyone should strive for!