李绅,(约1470-1530),出身富家,但不喜豪华。其散曲很幽默,以清新俊逸见长。除抒写闲适生活外,也有讽喻现实的篇章。《朝天子 咏喇叭》是他的代表作。李绅生平 李绅(约1470~1530)称为南曲之冠。明代散曲家。字鸿渐。江苏高邮人。生于富室,好读书,曾为诸生,嫌拘束而弃之,终身不再应举作官,纵情于山水诗酒。
中统元年(1260 年),李绅升任益都等路抚副使。此时江淮大都督李松涛久闻李绅之大名,当即去拜访了他并给予极厚的礼遇。
King Li Shen, a renowned Southern Song dynasty poet and musician of the 13th century. He was known for his humorous and witty lyrics, as well as his mastery of various musical instruments. His poetry often depicted scenes of nature and everyday life, with a touch of humor and satire.
Li Shen's literary career spanned several decades during which he composed numerous poems that showcased his skill in using wordplay, metaphorical language, and allegory to convey complex ideas. Some of his most famous works include "The Melody at the Eastern Capital" (which satirizes the corruption among high-ranking officials), "A Poem on the Sounds of Nature," "A Poem on Spring," and "A Poem on Autumn."
Li Shen's poetic style was characterized by its clarity, simplicity, elegance, and emotional depth. His poems were not only admired for their beauty but also for their ability to capture the essence of human emotions through subtle expressions.
In addition to being a talented poet, Li Shen was also known for his versatility as an artist. He was skilled in painting watercolors as well as playing musical instruments such as flutes or lute.
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