
  • 诗人
  • 2024年12月03日
  • 在一个静谧的夜晚,一位年轻人躺在床上,心中突然涌起了一股难以言喻的情感,他想到了佛子,每晚都想渡他。这个念头像一道光芒,在他的心海中闪耀着。 一、灵魂的慈航 他记得那次偶然间拜访了寺庙,那位高僧的眼神里 seemed to contain a profound wisdom and compassion. The young man felt an inexplicable sense of




他记得那次偶然间拜访了寺庙,那位高僧的眼神里 seemed to contain a profound wisdom and compassion. The young man felt an inexplicable sense of calmness as he listened to the monk's words, which were like a soothing balm to his troubled mind.

The monk's voice was low and gentle, his words were simple yet profound. He spoke of the impermanence of all things, the fleeting nature of life, and the importance of cultivating mindfulness in daily life. The young man was deeply moved by these teachings, and he felt a strong desire to embark on a spiritual journey.


As he delved deeper into Buddhism, the young man began to understand that every sentient being is connected through their shared suffering. He realized that even though they may appear different on the surface, they are all striving for happiness and seeking relief from pain.

This realization filled him with a sense of compassion for others. He began to see people not just as individuals but as fellow travelers on this journey called life. His heart expanded with empathy and understanding.

The phrase "佛子每晚都想渡我" became more than just words; it represented his deep longing for spiritual guidance and connection with others who shared similar aspirations.


Every night before sleep, he would gaze up at the starry sky, feeling small yet connected to something greater than himself. In those moments, he would silently ask for guidance from those who had traversed this path before him – be it Buddha or any other enlightened beings.

He knew that true liberation could only come from within but also understood that having wise mentors along the way could greatly facilitate one's progress toward enlightenment. And so each night when darkness envelops us all – both physically and metaphorically – he would close his eyes hoping for that clement voyage across waters rough or smooth alike - A voyage guided by love & light rather than just mere intellect alone!

