小兔子躺在草地上,悠然自得地享受着阳光的温暖。突然,一头大公狼和一只狡猾的狐狸闯入了这个宁静的场景。大公狼露出尖锐的牙齿,对小兔子说:“你太幸运了,可以安心享受生活,而我们却饥肠辘辘。你必须成为我们的点心。” 小兔子听后不禁打了个寒颤,急忙向大公狼恳求道:“请您看在我这瘦弱身体上,别让我就这样无端牺牲吧。”
狐狸微笑着,用爪子轻轻搭在小兔子的背上,说:“别害怕,小家伙。咱们要遵循古话:即使是小到不能再小的小东西,也能提供美味至极的滋味!” “慢!慢!”小兔子拼命跳跃,最终逃进了一堆刺灌木中。
“喝喜酒?这是什么意思?”狼和狐狸同时问起,这让他们感到好奇。 “喝喜酒呢,”小兔子从灌木丛里缓缓出现,“就是参加婚礼哦!那里的乐声、舞蹈、佳肴,是世界上最令人兴奋的地方。”
wolves and foxes agreed to wait until the next day to eat the rabbit, and instead let it lead them to a wedding. The three of them snuck into the house through a window, watching as people celebrated with food, drink, and music.
The rabbit suggested that they hold their own mock wedding ceremony. Wolf would be the groom, Fox would be the bride, and Rabbit would act as master of ceremonies. They improvised wedding attire from available materials – wolf wore a sieve on his head and Fox had a large pie crust around her neck. Rabbit hung an oil cake from his ear as an earring.
After the pretend ceremony, Rabbit proposed they drink wine together. He poured some for Wolf and Fox who eagerly drank directly from the jug until it was empty. While they were drunk out of their minds, Rabbit politely sipped some wine by dipping his whiskers in it.
Next came singing time! The drunken duo howled loudly while Rabbit sang softly into its whiskers. Just then people outside heard loud noises coming from inside one room where Wolf was jumping up and down wildly with all sorts of objects in hand while spitting out bad-smelling gas which made everything dirty.
People rushed over to see what was happening only to find two drunken animals causing chaos inside one room! In this way,
the story ends here...