她听的很入神,讲到情深之处她还有一些感触。接着,她的话匣子也打开了。她说:“我今年22岁,小时候很苦,在我五岁生日那天,爸爸突然走到我面前对我说:明天妈妈就会离开我们,不要伤心。那时我还小,并没有在意。第二天早上醒来,我听到妈妈过世的噩耗,我用一种诧异的神看着爸爸,他只是对我苦苦地笑。就这样爸爸、我和弟弟三人又过了几年,在我十岁生日那天晚上爸爸泪流满面的对我说:明天弟弟也要离开我们了”。I ask: “Brother, where are you going?” Dad said: “Brother is going to Mom.” That time I also didn't understand. And then over a year, my brother mysteriously left us, I felt fear and went to find dad, but he just looked at me with a cold gaze without saying anything.
After that few years passed by smoothly for me until my 15th birthday when dad prepared everything in the house for me and had a birthday party for me in the evening. He suddenly said: "Tomorrow dad will leave you too." He handed me a letter and told me that all would be revealed when I opened it on my 20th birthday. Fearing his words were true, the next day dad really left us; they found his body by the river.
She continued talking about her life story as if nothing had happened between us. She talked about how she met someone named Argen who she loved very much but he disappeared one day without any trace leaving her heartbroken. She finally reached her 20th birthday and opened up the letter from her father which read: "Lily (her name), I know these years have been tough but at your 18th you will meet a man who will leave you after a year so don't waste your time looking for him because you won't be able to find him."
As she finished telling this story, I realized why no one else seemed concerned about getting off at their stops - we were all ghosts trapped in this old bus traveling through time together while never actually arriving anywhere.
The girl smiled again as if sensing something was wrong with me; her eyes sparkled like stars under moonlight. In an instant of clarity amidst confusion and despairing thoughts within myself during this fateful night ride back home from Chongqing via national highway on that worn-out vehicle filled only with spectral passengers...