
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 在一个温暖的小镇上,住着一只与众不同的蓝兔子。因为它的颜色和其他兔子不同,所以它很少出门,即使出门也要用伞遮住头脸。随着时间的流逝,蓝兔子家里积累了许多破旧的雨伞,现在连站脚的地方都没有了。 有一天,蓝兔子拿起一把枯叶伞自言自语:“扔了可惜,不扔吧,我也不会修……”就在这时,它听到了一声奇妙的声音:“嘿,请等一下!”蓝兔子急忙拿起一把破伞,遮着脸走出去。 透过枯叶伞缝隙





“你家是开雨具铺子的吗?怎么会有这么多雨伎!”进入房间后,一进屋就惊呼起来。 “我……我这些雨具是用来遮丑的!”蓝兔子用手捂着脸。


“我可以给您留下地方,您慢慢修理嘛。”.blue rabbit said with a smile.

The old lady agreed and moved into blue rabbit's home. Every day, she would repair umbrellas while chatting with blue rabbit, sharing stories of her adventures around the world. She could make all sorts of delicious dishes: carrot corn soup, lotus root and flower cake, chestnut small potatoes, pumpkin sweet potato puree...

As time passed by,

the old lady finished repairing the last umbrella and said to blue rabbit," My work is done now; I have to go back home!" Blue Rabbit was reluctant to let her leave but understood that it was time for her to go back home.

Blue Rabbit asked curiously," Are you really a red rabbit?" The old lady quickly covered up her face again. "No! No!"

"Why are you afraid? You have some red on your face; I have some blue on mine. What do we fear from each other?" Blue Rabbit held out his paw towards the old lady who smiled warmly at him.

"Ha ha ha... Well then..." The old Lady looked at him hesitantly before finally taking off her big hat revealing two bright red ears underneath." And under another layer of clothes she had a fluffy pink tail sticking out like an adorable little bunny's tail.

"Oh my gosh! These colors are so beautiful!" Blue Rabbit exclaimed in awe as he realized that this mysterious figure was actually a stunningly gorgeous Red Bunny!

"Don't be scared...I won't cover up anymore if you don't want me too." Red Bunny promised with tears in their eyes saying they were tired of being shunned by everyone else for their unique appearance back in their hometown which made them wander around until they met Blue Rabbit here.
