
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月17日
  • 一只小鸡离开了家,一个人出去游玩,它走啊走啊,走累了,这时只听见笛笛—的声音,它看到眼前出现了一个方形的大家伙,小鸡问:“你好,我是小鸡,你是谁啊?” “我是一辆客车,小鸡你要去哪儿啊?” “我要去看大海,可是我走不动了,你能带我吗?” “行,你坐上来吧,我送你到山下吧,等一会儿让我的另一个兄弟送你到海边吧。” 小鸡坐上了客车,不一会儿就到山下,只见山下有一个长长的大家伙在呜呜的叫着












Small Chicken上了轮船,在自己梦想中很多次的大海上的航行中跳跃着唱歌。Little Chicken太开心了,它又唱又跳,不久后感觉有些疲倦,就不知不觉地睡着了......天快黑的时候, Little Chicken被风吹醒,看到了落日即将落下的景象。Little Chicken想家并哭泣起来,“I want to go home. I miss my mom. Oh, oh, oh...” The ship heard it and comforted it by saying, “Don't cry. Look! That's an airplane. You can get on it and it will take you home quickly.”

Little Chicken thanked the ship and boarded the plane: "Hello, airplane! I am Little Chickie! Can you take me home?"

"Yes! Sit down."

Feeling the speed of the airplane was very fast, Little Chickie couldn't see clearly what was on the ground before he knew that clouds were passing next to him when sunset had just fallen.

At this time when sunset was about to fall over Little Chickie returned to his own house with joy and gratitude for the plane.

"Thank you!" said Little Chickie as he ran towards his mother who greeted him warmly along with his brothers and sisters.

It happily told its family about all that happened today in a happy tone filled with laughter among them together sharing their stories of adventure at sea while cherishing memories shared between them as they laughed together under a starry night sky.

The end
