
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 在社会的民间故事大全短篇中,西多罗夫家门外站着几个外星人,他们看起来一点也不可怕,反而很可爱。这些外星人长着三只大大的绿眼睛,两只在脸上,一只在肚子上,还有五个淡紫色的触角,看起来聪明又友善。 "您对我们来说非常难得,我们从几十亿地球人中选中了您,这是您无上的荣幸。" 外星人通过心灵感应告诉西多罗夫。 当然,这些话不是用嘴说的,而是通过心灵感应让西多罗夫感受到的



"您对我们来说非常难得,我们从几十亿地球人中选中了您,这是您无上的荣幸。" 外星人通过心灵感应告诉西多罗夫。


"你们选我要干什么?" 西多罗夫忙问。

"我们选中您,是希望您能把整个银河系都是兄弟、所有生命形式都应该得到平等对待的思想传播给地球人。当然了,这里指的是地球人已经熟知的生命形式。" 外星人们解释说。

"这到底是什么意思?你们能说得具体点儿吗?" 西多罗夫继续追问。

"Just say, You have to spread the idea of kindness, honesty, and responsibility among Earth people. They need these values desperately, or they'll be destroyed completely." 外星人们回答道,但他们不会提到这是外星人的倡议,只会让所有荣誉归于西多罗夫。

Westbrook was thrilled by this prospect but had some doubts about how he could make a difference with his message. "Who will listen to me? I'm just an ordinary man without any influence or power," he said.

"We will give you a special ability for a while: you can create miracles that bring back the dead and provide food for the starving... But don't think you'll become famous or rich because of it," the aliens warned him.

"But why should I follow your instructions then?" Westbrook asked in frustration.

"You'll do it out of selflessness and love for humanity. Your name will echo throughout the universe!" The aliens replied calmly as they began to leave.

As they departed, Westbrook realized that these beings were not what they seemed at first glance. He slammed the door shut behind them and turned away from their mission with disdain.

