
  • 名句
  • 2025年02月15日
  • 裂口女的幽灵之旅:冥界通讯 有一段时间,一位名叫One的年轻人经常熬夜上网,他的心绪总是走神儿。有天晚上,午夜12点时,他想起了一个恐怖传说:拨打连续12个0,就能通向冥界。好奇心驱使他决定试试看。 当手表秒针一指到12点时,One拿起电话连按12个0。在一阵让人心惊肉跳的拨号音过后,电话那头竟然传来一个女孩子的声音。她告诉One一个惊人的事实,让他的心情久久不能平息。 第二天晚上









Fresh blood-like things flowed from the top of the page, down to the middle, then gathered and formed a few large characters: "Ghost World". One was shocked into immobility, staring at the screen as if in a trance. The flowing red liquid seemed to be real blood.

In this terrifying moment, One tried to move away from his seat but found himself paralyzed with fear. Suddenly, the ghostly figure emerged from the computer and approached him. With cold eyes and a mocking smile on her face, she leaned over him and whispered in his ear: "Don't be afraid. Congratulations on connecting to our midnight hotline directly." She offered her hand to pull One back onto his chair.

As if under some kind of spell, One couldn't resist her pull. He felt his heart slowing down as he stared at her frozen face with wide eyes filled with terror. Just as he was about to pass out...

The next morning when I woke up again after that nightmarish experience I realized it was just my imagination playing tricks on me while browsing through websites online late at night during that particular day which is known for being haunted by ghosts or spirits called 'ghosts' who are said haunt people's dreams.

I hope you find this story interesting!

