去年那棵树简直就像是成千上万3 6岁幼儿故事大全的守护者静默地聆听着它们无尽的梦想与欢笑
“在这片土地上,那棵我们共同度过岁月的老伙伴到哪里去了?” bird ask the roots with a sorrowful voice.
The roots replied, “It was felled by lumberjacks, who then hauled it away to the valley below.”
Bird flew towards the valley, her heart heavy with grief. She reached the factory where she heard the sound of wood being sawed off. She landed on the door and asked for information about her dear friend’s whereabouts.
The door told her that after being cut into thin strips, they were turned into matchsticks and shipped to another village to be sold. Bird flew over to that village.
In one corner of a hut, there was a girl lighting up an oil lamp with some matches. Bird approached her and asked if she knew where those matchsticks had gone.
The girl replied that all their matches had been used up but added that even though they were gone, the warmth from them still lingered in this room's light.
Bird watched intently at this warm glow before starting to sing again – just like how she sang for her old tree friend long ago. After finishing her song, she bid farewell once more before flying away into unknown skies.