
  • 名句
  • 2025年01月07日
  • 池塘边的柏树上,幼鸟们在欢快地叫唤。然而,树洞里的一条菜花蛇却眼中流露出危险的光芒,它常常冷漠地观察着幼鸟,仿佛随时准备扑向它们。一次偶然间的雨雾,让菜花蛇趁机悄无声息地爬上了树。 当小鸟发出惊叫时,母亲急忙赶来,用力驱散了即将到来的危险。但就在这紧要关头,小鸟们预感到了一种不祥,一同尖叫起来。鸟妈妈意识到了这一点,大吃一惊,“吱呀吱呀”尖叫着。 “别再靠近一点,我会把你踢下去。”




“别再靠近一点,我会把你踢下去。” 鸟妈妈严厉地警告道。菜花蛇微微一愣,但依旧不屑一顾:“凭你的力量能做到吗?”它冷笑着继续前进。


见状,菜花蛇得意洋洋:“哼!”并且继续往巢里爬。这使得Bird Mother更加害怕,她毛发竖立,全身颤抖,一直呼喊救命。

但是周围没有任何响应,那些惊慌失措的声音并未引起其他动物的注意。在绝望之中,Bird Mother突然想到极端措施,对天空高声呼喊:“110!110!”

黑狗闻讯而来,将其召集至现场,并以其忠诚的心去保护那群可爱的小生命。他狂吠声震耳欲聋,使得那只贪婪的食肉者立刻隐藏起来,被浓密枝叶所掩盖。而黑狗虽然勇敢,却无法直接从高处抓捕它,所以他决定寻求更强大的援助——Flower Cat Police Chief.

Flower Cat, a wise and brave officer, quickly climbed the tree and reached the snake's nest. The snake was furious at being confronted again, but Flower Cat didn't back down. Instead, he came up with an innovative plan: using his agility to jump on the branches while holding onto them with both hands and kicking off with both feet repeatedly until he managed to knock the snake out of its hiding place.

The snake fell into the pond like a ribbon in water, creating a splash as it hit the surface. Not knowing how to swim, it thrashed about among the floating lotus leaves forlornly. The mother bird forgot her earlier fear and laughed joyfully at this comical sight. The chicks in their nest peeked out curiously to watch this spectacle unfold.

Black Dog then used his bamboo pole to lure the dazed serpent towards land where it collapsed from exhaustion before him and Flower Cat. By then, its strength had faded away; all that remained was a limp body without any fight left in it.

The mother bird looked upon her children wisely said,"In times of danger we must seek help from others if we want to survive."
