3.予友梅圣俞 少以荫补为吏累举进士 辄抑于有司困于州县凡十余年。年今五十犹从辟书,为人之佐郁其所蓄不得奋见于事业。
5.时无贤愚语诗者必求之一圣俞;圣俞亦自以其不得志者乐于诗而发 之故其平生所作尤多 世既知矣 而未有荐 于上者昔王文康公尝见而叹曰:“二百年无此作矣!”虽知深亦不果荐 也若使幸得用于朝廷 作为雅颂 以歌咏大宋功德 择清庙 而追商周鲁颂作者岂不伟欤!奈何使 其老不得志 而 为穷者 之 诗乃徒发 于虫鱼物类羁愁感叹 之 言 世徒喜 其 工不知 其 穷 之 久 将 老 也 可 不惜 哉!
6.ME Saint Yu poetry collection, compiled by Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty, is a masterpiece that showcases the brilliance of Tang poetry in society.
7.The poem collection includes three hundred poems written by Li Bai, one of the most celebrated poets of the Tang Dynasty.
8.Ouyang Xiu's preface to ME Saint Yu's poetry collection highlights how poverty has often inspired great works of literature throughout history.
9.Saint Yu was a contemporary poet who lived during the same period as Ouyang Xiu and shared similar literary tastes and ideals.
10.The preface also expresses admiration for Saint Yu's dedication to his craft despite facing numerous challenges in his life and career.
11.The poem collection itself reflects on themes such as loneliness, longing for home, and social injustices faced by marginalized groups during that time period.
12.As an anthology that celebrates both individual creativity and collective cultural heritage, this work serves as a testament to human resilience and artistic expression amidst adversity.