在唐朝的诗人李白笔下的天山道士,是否真的存在于那片遥远而神秘的地方?他的诗句中,有着对自然之美的深刻描绘和对道士隐逸生活的向往。 Dogs howl in the sound of water, where peach blossoms are dense with dew. Deep in the trees, one may catch a glimpse of deer, but at noon by the stream, no bell tolls. Wild bamboo divides the misty veil, and flying springs cling to green peaks. No one knows where they have gone; leaning on three or four cypresses, one is filled with sorrow.
quǎn fèi shuǐ shēng zhōng ,táo huā dài lù nóng 。 shù shēn shí jiàn lù ,xī wǔ bú wén zhōng 。 yě zhú fèn qīng ǎi ,fēi quán guà bì fēng 。 wú rén zhī suǒ qù ,chóu yǐ liǎng sān sōng。