
  • 历史
  • 2025年03月11日
  • 你还在担心怎么哄女朋友入睡吗?这里有5篇让直男也能轻松讲的睡前故事!想听更多关于哄对象浪漫小故事、睡前故事女朋友温馨长篇的内容,欢迎关注公众号! 第一篇:木匠除妖 从前,有个鲤鱼三千年,成了妖,然后就开始干坏事。他向方圆五百里的每户人家要一个女孩,把女孩一个个吃掉。(甜甜的小故事) 没多久,国王心爱的公主也被鲤鱼妖抓去了。公主漂亮又聪明,鲤鱼妖没舍得吃她,就娶她做了老婆。 公主细心服侍鲤鱼妖











wolf mom brought back a piece of fresh meat, little wolf sniffed it and then threw it away saying "I don't want to eat this old meat, I want to eat fresh meat." Wolf mom looked at the effort she put into bringing back the meat but little wolf didn't appreciate it. She told him that if he didn't appreciate what others worked hard for, he should go out and find his own food.



"Dad's home!" The father walked over and patted Little Wolf on the head. "What's wrong, Little Wolf?" He asked.

Little Wolf looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "I can't write my diary because I really like this toy robot called Iron Man but we don't have one at home."

The father smiled and said "Oh, you want a new toy? What's so special about this Iron Man?" Little Wolf explained that he had seen an Iron Man toy at his friend Dingding's house and really wanted one.

The father chuckled and said "Why wait until tomorrow? You can have it now." He pulled out a box from behind his back and opened it revealing an exact replica of the Iron Man toy Little Wolf had been eyeing.

Little Wolf was thrilled as her father handed her the gift. She hugged him tightly saying "Dad you are so amazing! Can I have your 3D printer too?"


In a quiet valley nestled between two great mountains lived an enchanted forest where animals coexisted peacefully.

One day strange visitors arrived in their beautiful forest filled with greenery: tall trees swaying gently in the breeze; crystal clear brooks babbling softly; blue skies stretching far beyond their sight.

These visitors built large boxes surrounded by high pipes which reached up to touch clouds. After some time they disappeared leaving behind nothing but desolate wasteland - no trees remained standing; no birds sang songs anymore; only sand stretched as far as eyes could see...

Fifth Episode: The Rich Men vs. The Poor Farmer

Two rich men were bored one evening playing cards when they decided to bet each other’s mansions on whether or not a poor farmer would enjoy living among luxury after moving into one of them.

A poor farmer who spent every waking moment working tirelessly still dreamed of becoming rich enough to live like royalty.

He moved into one mansion thinking life would change overnight... But reality hit soon enough – servants pampered him while serving exotic dishes daily - even sleeping amidst gold jewelry became routine...

However within three months he returned seeking advice from both men asking how life was treating them?

To both men’s surprise the poor man reported blissful days before complaining about loneliness due lack of work & friends...

After reading these five stories designed specifically for straight men looking for ways to soothe their girlfriends' minds before bedtime, visit our public number for more heartwarming tales tailored just for couples seeking love-filled moments together!