
  • 历史
  • 2025年03月09日
  • 从前,有个外号叫 “骗人精” 的小男孩。他很聪明,可他把聪明都用在说谎骗人上面了。他挺喜欢捉弄人。周围的人几乎个个受过他的骗,连他父母死后从小把他带大的叔叔婶婶也不例外。 一天,叔叔到离家很远的地里犁地去了,婶婶在家做家务活。骗人精看见婶婶在厨房里忙活,突然又想出一个鬼把戏来捉弄叔叔婶婶。他悄悄溜出家门,跑到地里喊道: “Uncle, Uncle, hurry back home! Aunt


从前,有个外号叫 “骗人精” 的小男孩。他很聪明,可他把聪明都用在说谎骗人上面了。他挺喜欢捉弄人。周围的人几乎个个受过他的骗,连他父母死后从小把他带大的叔叔婶婶也不例外。

一天,叔叔到离家很远的地里犁地去了,婶婶在家做家务活。骗人精看见婶婶在厨房里忙活,突然又想出一个鬼把戏来捉弄叔叔婶婶。他悄悄溜出家门,跑到地里喊道: “Uncle, Uncle, hurry back home! Aunt has fallen from the ladder and is bleeding heavily. I don't know what to do.”

Uncle didn't have time to speak before hurrying back home. Rascal jumped ahead on a shortcut.

He burst into the house shouting: "Auntie, Auntie! Uncle has hurt his leg in the field. It seems he's been stepped on by an ox; quickly go or he'll die!"

He hadn't finished speaking when Auntie had already rushed out of the room. Rascal watched her back with a wicked grin.

Auntie ran as fast as she could but felt it wasn't fast enough; at a turn in the path, she collided with someone coming from the opposite direction – it was her own husband. They stared at each other in shock.

"Hey! That's Rascal's doing!" The couple immediately realized it was their nephew playing a trick on them.

Uncle and Aunt were furious. Uncle said: "We can't let this naughty boy continue to play tricks on us."

They went back home and found Rascal hiding behind a big bamboo basket filled with gold coins they had hidden away for safekeeping. He had accidentally stumbled upon it while exploring nearby woods!

Rascal brought all that gold back home and gave it to his uncle and aunt who became wealthy overnight thanks to him!

The family thought that marrying him off would change his ways but alas, after his parents passed away again, he fell into old habits of telling lies and pulling pranks!

One day while wandering through forest glades near their village he spotted some cubs huddled together under bushes - one-eyed tiger cub whose claws were broken by someone cruelly twisting them apart - those small tigers cried pitifully calling for help nearby came roaring sound of mother tiger which must be searching its lost cub! That surely meant danger for our little rascal here so quietly hid behind thorny thickets waiting till beasts left scene before making move...

This story goes like this:

Once upon a time there lived two brothers named Jack (J) & Jai (J2). Their father died when they were young so they grew up without any care or guidance from their father’s side...