夜幕降临,他们住进了那个要命的小屋。当晚一直平静无异常,却突然间,一切改变——电脑屏幕上的视频显示原先只有三人的房里 suddenly appeared a young woman, followed by the sound of a voice that sent shivers down their spines. Then everything went dark as if someone had turned off the power.
The next morning, Liu Feng was summoned to the scene and found three bodies lying on the ground outside. Upon closer inspection, they were all from window falls - just like Lee Dali before them. The only difference was that this time, there were no signs of struggle or injury anywhere else on their bodies. It seemed as though they had simply jumped out of windows in a state of terror.
Liu Feng knew he had to find out what happened here and quickly contacted an expert in acoustics named Li Wen for help. After arriving at the scene and examining the area where each victim fell from, Li Wen discovered something shocking: there was evidence of sonic booms in every case! These sonic booms were so powerful that they could cause people's brains to shut down instantly!
In other words, these victims did not die from jumping but rather from being subjected to an intense sonic boom that caused them to lose consciousness before falling. This revelation stunned everyone involved and raised more questions than answers about what could have triggered such events.
As news spread throughout A City about these bizarre occurrences involving "ghostly" activity at Lee Dali's old house-turned-condominium complex called "Lee House," residents became increasingly wary even more afraid than ever before when it came time for maintenance work inside those units themselves - especially now since there were reports coming up with sightings claiming supernatural encounters within its walls too (as well as strange noises).