旅店老板带她到达了宫殿,国王详细聆听了事情经过,大怒道:“把她关进最好的监狱,让她享受清福!”意思是在外面砍头。但就在这危急时刻,king prince(即假話國之皇太子)制止了这一行为:“等一下!亲爱的父亲,让她成为我的妻子吧。”
茉莉见状解释道:“请让我说明,我和母亲路上遇到了盗贼失散,现在只想借点钱回去找母亲,我会还钱,请相信我。”King prince(即假話國之皇太子)第一次露出微笑,因为终于找到了一位能够正常沟通的人。他向全国人民展示了真正的友谊和理解,而不是简单的话语。
第二天,茉莉带着珠宝消失无踪,只留下一张字条给King prince(即假話國之皇太子):亲爱的King prince,你的小玩意先借走,以后还你。这件事震惊全民,每个人都在讨论逃跑的“Queen”以及信任不足的心理Prince。
"孩子,其实问题很严重。“ King say to Prince. "Her actions violate her promise, I will bring her back and ask for an explanation." Prince turn around, hug his father and said," Thank you for comforting me, Father. I love you!" King felt a warmth in his heart and replied," Son, I also love you. Wait for your return."
The king decided that from now on in the kingdom of lies they would speak truthfully. The prince continued to search for Molly, who was helping many people with the treasure she had taken. She was actually the princess of the truth kingdom.
"I want to take her back to my country where it is safe." The black-robed nun spoke gently.
Just then a group of people rushed into the room: "Your father wants you dead! Come with me!" A minister embraced Prince warmly, something that would never have been possible before not even by speaking reverse as they were used to do in this land.
Even Molly was stunned by this change; it was completely different from what she had heard about this place.