
  • 历史
  • 2025年03月03日
  • 我!被迫搬到教室的角落里!老班声色俱厉。 我和老爸的冷战还没结束呢,又一阵“寒流”袭来。 “老师,我还想和尹茉茉做同桌,我也搬到角落里吧。”身后响起杜小希浓重的嗓音。 在劈里啪啦一通响之后,她呼哧呼哧地搬到我旁边。班里起了一阵,无数道目光向我们射来。我不在乎,旋即把头一埋,开始全心全意地怜悯自己,因为很快就会有一位继母大人住我家,上演“虐女事件”。 老爸的公司破产不久,曾经恩爱的爸妈便劳燕分飞


我!被迫搬到教室的角落里!老班声色俱厉。 我和老爸的冷战还没结束呢,又一阵“寒流”袭来。 “老师,我还想和尹茉茉做同桌,我也搬到角落里吧。”身后响起杜小希浓重的嗓音。 在劈里啪啦一通响之后,她呼哧呼哧地搬到我旁边。班里起了一阵,无数道目光向我们射来。我不在乎,旋即把头一埋,开始全心全意地怜悯自己,因为很快就会有一位继母大人住我家,上演“虐女事件”。 老爸的公司破产不久,曾经恩爱的爸妈便劳燕分飞。妈妈随一个男人去了海南,老爸痛苦了几日后便频频和一位阿姨约会。我呢?把头缩在胳膊弯里,一次又一次对着自己冷笑。在这社会的大背景下,我感受到了无尽的孤独与迷茫。我的冷笑马上有了回应,是杜小希。她看着我,说:“尹茉茉,我们笑出声来老师也听不到,这地方可真好!”她是我的同桌,有着浓重的地方口音,总把“啼哭”说成“踢壶”。I don't love her, I hate her for bothering me. But she doesn't give up, she keeps following me even when I'm in a bad mood. Even when I was being treated unfairly by my family, she still tried to protect me.

True friends are those who care about you even when you're not being nice to them. And that's what Du Xixi is to me. She didn't care about my past or my future; all she cared about was the present moment we shared together.

One day, after a series of cold wars with my father, he brought home another woman. That night, as I sat alone outside and cried myself into exhaustion, it was Du Xixi who found me first. The autumn wind blew through the broken walls of the abandoned house where we huddled together for warmth.

As we slurped down bowls of hot noodles at a nearby restaurant later on - noodles that Du Xixi said reminded her of the steaming hot dishes her stepmother used to make - I realized something profound: happiness isn’t just about having someone around; it’s also about how much they genuinely care for us.

The days went by and our friendship deepened as we shared more stories and laughter in class. One day while staring blankly at the double desk where we sat during extracurricular activities (a habit formed from countless hours spent there), Du Xixi blurted out a secret: "She's actually your stepmom!" Her words shook both of us as an unexpected storm cloud burst forth from our hearts like thunderclaps on a summer evening.

Afterwards though - once life returned to normalcy and reality set back in place - old habits resurfaced yet again: sitting silently amidst classmates' whispers behind their hands or glancing nervously towards any new faces entering our classroom doorframe hoping none would be hers… but this time something felt different inside since then...