
  • 历史
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 在海洋的最深处,海王宫殿里住着海王及其妻子和三个美丽的女儿。然而,这三个女儿并非人类,他们拥有鱼尾巴而无腿。一次奇怪的情况发生,一天早晨,小公主发现家中空无一人,她好奇地想,通常这个时候人鱼们都去采集海中的果实为何今天一无所见?她向宫殿游去,却惊讶地发现所有的人鱼都石化了。她急忙游向王宫,更令她震惊的是,她的父王母后以及两个姐姐也变成了石像。小公主感到 panic,不知道发生了什么事。她跑到后殿


在海洋的最深处,海王宫殿里住着海王及其妻子和三个美丽的女儿。然而,这三个女儿并非人类,他们拥有鱼尾巴而无腿。一次奇怪的情况发生,一天早晨,小公主发现家中空无一人,她好奇地想,通常这个时候人鱼们都去采集海中的果实为何今天一无所见?她向宫殿游去,却惊讶地发现所有的人鱼都石化了。她急忙游向王宫,更令她震惊的是,她的父王母后以及两个姐姐也变成了石像。小公主感到 panic,不知道发生了什么事。她跑到后殿,遇到了一个被困在半身石头中的仆人,那个仆人告诉她:“公主,我们被海巫婆施加了魔法,我虽然逃脱了一死,但很快我会跟着变成石像。”那个仆人解释说:“你必须沿着死亡之路前往最深的海湾洞,只有那里才能找到救赎之物——深海之珠。”



第二天,小公 princess awake to find the prince unchanged. She asked him why, and he revealed his curse. Overcome with emotion, she wept for the first time in her life. Her tears broke the curse, restoring the prince to his true form.

Together, they journeyed to uncover the truth behind a wicked sorceress who had usurped power from their kingdoms. They freed the sea king and restored balance to their realms.

Their adventures took them through a fantastical land of flowers and winged mermaids. But unbeknownst to them, a ruthless queen ruled this realm with an iron fist – using dark magic to maintain her beauty at any cost.

The queen sought out a powerful witch who could help her achieve immortality by stealing beauty from others. In return for this service, she offered up her kingdom's most precious treasure: the Jewel of Peace.

As fate would have it, this treacherous plan put our heroes directly in harm's way. The queen manipulated events so that our beloved princess was given a potion containing wolf-witch's "peel-off" venom – meant to strip away another's skin and paste it onto hers...