然而,这种情况不能持续下去,因为人不能只吃空气。在某个清晨, sells oil guy 的日常又重回正轨,他挑起了担子,再次踏上了去市镇销售油脂之路。但是,无论多么忙碌,他总会在出门之前瞥上几眼那个让他心动不已、令人难忘的情景——那个带给他如此强烈情感刺激的人物形象。
几个月后,当 sell oil guy 重新回到自己的小屋时,他发现屋内弥漫着饭菜香味。他好奇地打开锅盖,只见锅中飘散着热腾腾、色香味俱全的包子。他并没有多想,就直接开始大快朵颐那些精致可口的小食。不知不觉间,这种日常已经持续了数周,每当 he 回到家,都能享用到新鲜出炉的小吃。虽然最初 sell oil guy 想象邻居大娘可能会帮忙做饭来照顾他,但随后邻居大娘否认了这一点,使得 sell oil guy 决定要揭开这个谜团。
第二天,一早 sell oil guy 挑起担子准备出发,却突然改变主意悄悄返回家中。当太阳快要高至正午时分,那个漂亮姑娘从图片上走下来进入厨房开始准备午餐。她的手法灵巧,一顿饭就这么迅速完成,然后她再次回到那幅图片之中。此刻 sell oil guy 立即从门后的阴影处冲出来,将手紧紧环住姑娘,不愿她再次消失在艺术作品之中。那名姑娘答应不会离开 seller Oil Guy 的身边,从此 seller Oil Guy 和她成为了一对恩爱夫妻,她负责管理家庭事务,而 seller Oil Guy 则继续外出的工作。
他们过上了幸福美满的一段婚姻生活,不过偶尔 sellers will glance at the picture, worried that she might return to it. Years passed and they had two adorable children who grew up with love and care. Over time, they forgot about the painting altogether until one day when their wife went through old boxes in the attic and found the painting hidden beneath layers of dust.
Excited by her discovery, she carefully restored it to its former glory before returning to her canvas home. Seller Oil Guy returned from his daily rounds only to find his loving wife gone once again. He searched far and wide but could not find her anywhere until he remembered that box full of memories.
With a heavy heart, he opened the box only to see an empty space where once lay a beautiful portrait of a woman - his beloved wife who had left him for good this time as she was called back by her divine duties in another realm. It turned out that this enchanting lady was no ordinary mortal but rather a magical being known as "Painting Fairy" or "Picture Maiden". She had come down from heaven to repay an old debt owed by someone else many years ago; thus making them husband & wife for over 15 years during which period they also bore two beautiful children together.
This touching story has been passed down through generations as part of popular folktales reminding people never judge others based on appearance alone for there is always more than meets the eye.
As you read this tale remember how your perception can change everything around you.
For even though we may be just ordinary mortals living our mundane lives filled with routine tasks sometimes extraordinary things do happen if we keep our hearts open.
And so let us cherish each moment spent with those we hold dear because life's precious gift is fleeting like sand between grains of time.
Love transcends all boundaries whether it be death or life itself.
The end