去年,那是一个雨夜,我在国道上拦了一辆车回重庆,现在回想一下,那应该是辆很破的老式客车,车子很空,在车子的最后一排坐着一位少女,她旁边有一排空座。我走过去问她:“这个位子我可以坐吗?” 她微笑的点了点头,她很美,美得有点让人惊讶。她穿着一条素色的长裙,出于一种男人的本性,于是我便和她聊了起来。我和她聊了一些我的往事。
她听的很入神,讲到情深之处她还有一些感触。接着她的话匣子也打开了。她说:“我今年22岁,小时候很苦,在我五岁生日那天,爸爸突然走到我面前对我说,明天妈妈就会离开我们,这样你就不会伤心。那时我还小,并没有在意。第二天早上醒来,我听到妈妈过世的噩耗,我用一种诧异的神看着爸爸,他只是对我苦苦地笑。就这样爸爸、我和弟弟三人又过了几年,在我十岁生日那天晚上爸爸泪流满面的对我说:“明天弟弟也要离开我们了”。I ask, “Brother where are you going?” Dad said: "Brother is going to Mom's place." That time I also did not understand. Again one day, brother mysteriously left this world, I felt a fear, went to find dad, dad looked at me with a cold expression without saying anything.
The next few years I lived well but on my 15th birthday morning dad packed everything in the house and celebrated my birthday. In the evening he suddenly said: "Tomorrow dad will leave you too. You have to live well from now on." He handed me a letter and told me: "Wait until you're 20 years old then open it and all will be clear." I was scared thinking that what he said might be true. And indeed the next day dad really left me and they found his body by the river.
She continued talking about her life after that till she met Argen who she loved deeply but he disappeared one day leaving her heartbroken. She waited patiently till she turned 20 when she opened the letter her father had given her before he passed away. The letter read: "Lily, I know these past few years have been tough but when you turn 18 you'll meet someone but within a year they'll leave you don't need to look for them because you won't be able to find them tomorrow we'll all be together again."
As soon as she finished telling this story something strange happened around us everyone's faces became blank except for mine which started shaking uncontrollably as if something terrible was happening behind my back...