
  • 古诗
  • 2025年03月06日
  • 从前有个人名叫汉斯,他是个财主家的长工,整整干了七年。这期间,他勤勤恳恳地干活,没有回一次家,因此,非常想家,也非常想念他的母亲。一天,他对财主说:“老爷,我在这儿时间也不短了,现在我非常想家,也想去看看我的母亲,把工钱给我吧。” 这个财主不但没有为难他,而且还给他足够的报酬:“汉斯,你为我任劳任怨地干了七年活,我会好好地付给你工钱的。”说完,便大方地拿出一块金子,这块金子非常大






“哦,是因为我没有马,也没有钱买 马,现在我还要急着回家,把这一块让我受累的东西送回家,所以不得不步行回去。” “那是什么呀?这么重,看把你压得很疼吧?你的头也不能放正吗?” 骑马的人问。“噢,是一块金子,你不知道,它让我太难受了,我快受不了了。” 汉斯无奈地说。

这样吧,我看你那么可怜,就把我的马给你,你把那块讨厌的金子给我,就让它来压我的肩膀吧。” 骑车的人对 汉 斯 说。“你说的是真心话吗?你可不要后悔,我可要告诉你,你必须扛着它走。” 汉 斯 好心 地 对 那 人 说:

决不后悔.” 说 完 他 就 把 马 给 了 汉 斯 并 帮 他 上 了 马,然后 对 他 说:如果 你 害 它 跑 得 慢 你 就 对 它 说:‘得 儿 , 驾 , 驾。’ 它 会 飞 快 地 跑 起 来 的.”

那个人接过 金 子 且怕 汉 斯 会 改变 主 意 不 交换 而 是 用 小 路 走 了。而 汉 斯 呢,在坐 上 车 上 灵 活 自 如 地 往 前 走,可 一 想起 昨 天 那 会 就 有些 后 怕,他 也 恐 怕 他 再 追 上 要 回 他的 马。于是,他 要 赶 快 走,要 着 思 在前 面 这 件 事 故 又 惊 讴 然,又 怕 他 再 追 上,要 回 他的 金 子。于 是,他 叫 出 声 来 大声 地 吠 道:“得 儿 , 驾 , 驾.”


That horse heard the command and ran faster. Until Tom fell off the horse and rolled into a nearby ditch. Luckily, Tom didn't get hurt badly either. The horse also didn't run away, which was because a farmer happened to be leading his cow through here, blocking the horse's path. Otherwise, that horse might have bolted.

Tom slowly climbed out of the ditch, feeling rather miserable about everything he had just been through with this lousy old nag. He shook his head in disgust at how foolish he had been to think that riding a donkey would make him happy when all it did was cause him endless trouble.

But then something strange caught his eye - there was a big patch of fresh green grass growing right next to where he had fallen off the donkey! It looked so invitingly cool and refreshing after all that hot walking under the sun for days on end.

Feeling thirsty from all those hours spent sweating under the scorching sun without any shade or water in sight, Tom decided to take advantage of this unexpected opportunity for some rest and refreshment by lying down on that lush grassy patch while letting out an audible sigh of relief as he felt its softness beneath him.

Just as Tom began to relax into this newfound comfort zone amidst nature's serendipity gift, another figure appeared before him - an old man carrying two large jugs filled with cool spring water who came strolling up towards them both casually glancing over at what seemed like an unusual sight: one man sprawled out across freshly grown grass while holding onto a donkey for dear life (or death).
