
  • 古诗
  • 2025年02月15日
  • 3月11日,日本大海啸来临之际,岩手县大槌町的74岁老人芊子与丈夫桥本在距离海边1公里的公路上漫步。芊子因20年前得白内障,视力几乎失明,全凭桥本照料。面对突如其来的灾难,他们的逃生之路变得艰难重重。 桥本首先冲向避难所,但对于他们来说,这是一场更为艰巨的挑战。芊子的视力极差,每一步都依赖于桥本的引导。在恶浪追赶下,他们紧握双手,一起跌跌撞撞地逃生。 最终,在一次意外中





幸运的是,那些短暂而紧张的瞬间过后,bridge again grasped her hand, vowing never to let go. After many trials and tribulations, they finally reached the safety of a nearby slope, having narrowly escaped the disaster.

Their story spread like wildfire in the shelter, and when reporters heard it, they flocked to interview them. Asked how he managed to find his wife's location in those fleeting seconds and grab her hand so quickly, bridge replied calmly: "It was my intuition; I felt she was with me no matter what."

And from Mrs. Bridge: "In that instant when we lost contact, I told myself that as long as I stayed within 1 meter of him, he would surely catch up to me. And that's exactly what happened."

Behind their tale lies another heartwarming story - during Mrs. Bridge's illness years ago when she almost lost her sight due to cataracts. Her husband had promised her then: "I'll be your eyes; we will be together forever - I won't let you leave me more than 1 meter away!" Tears streamed down her face at these words.

The two elderly people were now just like newlyweds in love - despite being separated by distance (just 1 meter), their hearts remained intertwined through all these years.

Though Mrs. Bridge could no longer see Mr. Bridge's figure anymore, both knew that there was still one thing they shared deeply - a bond forged over 20 years of life together under the same roof - a bond that transcended even blindness itself for them.
