我母亲小的时候,在自家的老屋里和我姥姥玩,一抬头,看到了南墙的最上边,有一个老头,比一扎高身穿旧社会的地主服手里牵着一个小孩,从东向西走去,然后消失。母亲当时一点也不害怕,还让我姥姥看,但是我 姥 姥 没有 看 到 任何 事 情 后 来 几十 年 后 大 家 说 起 这 件 事 我 大 舅 说 他 小 时 候 也 看 到 过 一样 的 场 景 如 今 老 房 早 已 拆 了 这 究 竟 是 怎 样 回 事?
Event Six: The Coffin
In Fanzhang Village, there was a man who went out for a walk and suddenly an old man stopped him and said, "You are going to die!" The man was very angry and retorted, "You are the one who is going to die!" The old man didn't get angry and said, "If you don't believe me, go home and measure your bed. It's in the shape of a coffin. One end is XX feet long and the other end is XX feet wide." The man rushed home to find that his bed was indeed in the shape of a coffin. He then went back to look for the old man but found him waiting for him at the spot where he had seen him earlier! That person died in 1980 after getting rid of his bed.
Event Seven: Picking Up Treasures
In Shijiazhuang's Beima Road (now called HePing West Road), there occurred an accident! Someone claimed that this incident actually happened as follows:
A cyclist discovered money on the ground early one morning. As he reached down to pick it up, he felt something strange about it. When he looked again, it had turned into funeral money! Terrified by this supernatural occurrence, he quickly got away from there on his bicycle before hearing another vehicle screeching behind him.
Event Eight: Blood Fingerprints
My grandfather suffered from cancer during China's Cultural Revolution era before passing away. During that time when my father or aunt were taking care of their father at hospital while I would go with them every day or send food from home through water ditch outside hospital which people say kills many lives annually.
One day when my aunt came back with blood finger marks behind her after sending food through water ditch without realizing anything unusual happened until she saw two blood fingerprints following her upon reaching hospital where she fainted due to fear.