
  • 古诗
  • 2025年02月11日
  • 第二天清晨,皮诺乔被召到一旁,他的主人吃火人问他:“你父亲叫什么名字?” “他叫杰佩托。”皮诺乔回答说。 “你父亲是做什么的?”吃火人追问道。 “他很穷。”皮诺乔低头回答,“他的钱包总是空空如也。为了给我买学费,他不得不卖掉了唯一的一件短上衣,那件上衣满是补丁。” 吃火人的心生同情,对皮诺乔说:“这里有五个金币,请把它们带回去给你的父亲,并且替我向他问好。” 皮诺乔感激涕零地拥抱了班上的所有木偶











“他穿着衬衫,但看起来很冷。”fox replied.


为什么?” fox asked, chuckling and pretending to comb his whiskers with two front paws to hide them from Pinochhio's sight.

没有笑点,”Pinochhio said irritably,” but if you want to know, there are five golden coins here.”

As soon as he heard the clinking of coins, the fox stretched out its paw like it was lame, and the cat opened its eyes wide. They quickly closed them again when Pinochio didn't notice.

现在,” fox asked him,” what do you plan to do with these coins?”

第一,”Pinochio replied,” I'm going to buy my father a beautiful new coat embroidered with gold and silver threads and buttons made of precious stones. Secondly, I'll buy myself a reading book.”

给自己?” fox raised an eyebrow in surprise.

还用说,我要去学校学习读书嘛.” Pinochio explained confidently.

Look at me,” fox said regretfully," I stupidly wanted to read books too - now one leg is lame."

Look at me,” cat said similarly," I stupidly wanted to read books - now both eyes are blind."

Just then, a white sparrow perched on a nearby bush began singing its old tune: "Pinochio, don't listen to bad friends. You might regret it!"

But before the poor bird could finish speaking! The cat jumped up suddenly and grabbed it with lightning speed. The bird let out a sad cry "Oh no!" before disappearing into the cat's mouth along with all its feathers.

The cat ate the sparrow and wiped its mouth clean before closing its eyes again as if nothing had happened.
