
  • 古诗
  • 2025年03月03日
  • 在古代的一个小国里,有一位名叫左丞相的官员,他总是与右丞相不和。有一天,皇帝因为食欲不振,对朝臣说:“我现在很饿,没有吃过的美味菜肴,请各位推荐给我。”左丞相听了这个机会,告诉皇帝他的右手边宰相家有一个会下蛋的公鸡,这种蛋非常美味。 皇帝听后很高兴,就命令右丞相必须在三天内把那个公鸡带来给他尝试。如果没有,那么整个家族都要被处死。右丞相回家后,告诉自己的妹妹这个消息,但他自己也知道这只是个借口




Right Minister's niece came to visit her brother and heard the news. She was worried about her brother's situation, so she told him not to worry because she had a plan. The niece said that she would go to the court on behalf of her brother, and then everything would be fine.

The day before the deadline arrived, Right Minister took his niece to the palace. At this time, it was already very close to nightfall. When they reached the palace gate, they found that there were many people waiting outside.

Right Minister asked his niece what happened, but he didn't understand why there were so many people here. His niece smiled and said: "I will tell you later."

At this moment, a eunuch rushed over and shouted loudly: "Hurry up! The emperor is waiting for you!" Right Minister hurried into the palace with his niece in tow.

When they entered the hall where Emperor sat on throne at night fall with all officials around him in silence; it was dark except for candlelight flickering everywhere; all eyes fixed upon them as if their lives depended on how well these two men could answer questions from those who controlled power above them both—those who held pens which could write down history as easily as one might put ink onto paper

The emperor looked at right minister sternly and demanded an explanation for why he hadn't brought any eggs yet. Right Minister tried hard not knowing what else do now since he knew nothing about such things like egg-laying chickens himself either way through panic or fear caused by being trapped between life-and-death situations like this one while facing death penalty charges without even having chance speak properly let alone explain anything proper

But just when everyone thought things couldn’t get worse than this point suddenly young girl stepped forward saying something unexpected which changed course of events completely turning tide towards favoring right minister’s side:

"I apologize your majesty" said little princess softly bowing low head toward ground “my uncle has fallen ill”

Her words stunned everyone present including left & right ministers themselves since none expected such turn of event coming from most unlikely source - nine-year-old child who seemed completely unaware herself too how much trouble her simple statement might cause by defying authority figures holding great power over other human beings’ lives within same room

As if trying hard enough though still unsure whether or not princess understood gravity behind situation yet after some hesitation finally responded back reassuringly:

"Don't worry my dear daughter I am sure we'll find solution soon enough."
