
  • 古诗
  • 2025年02月08日
  • 教室里弥漫着紧张的气氛。现在是发试卷的时候。当班长安笛把试卷递给罗樱时,罗樱依旧一脸云淡风轻。她从书包里抓出口红,在试卷顶端那个数字——“10”后面,郑重地加了一个零,然后又把口红伸向了嘴唇。 顷刻间,安笛感到一阵急促的心惊肉跳,不是因为她这个举动,而是因为,自己这样一个公认的好学生,竟然会对罗樱的叛逆产生羡慕。 安笛从未怀疑过自己是个好学生。父亲在世时,如果自己的成绩没有考到90分








然而,当她看到手里的信封,这关系到全家的奖学金时,也许内心的一部分开始渴望改变。那天晚上,在回家的路上,她来到了曾经与罗樱一起光顾的小店门口,那里 sells her favorite makeup products.

An unexpected surge of envy for Roxy's boldness swept over her. Why couldn't she be as fearless in challenging the things she disliked? The endless practice, the dark basement, her mother's rough hand, and the relentless pressure had all combined to fuel a growing resentment within her.

As An Xi stood outside the store, gazing at the latest lipsticks on display - just like Roxy's favorite one - an unsettling sense of restlessness began to boil inside of her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she thought about how different their lives were.

The plan that had been brewing in An Xi for so long was finally put into action. With trembling hands, she purchased that lipstick from Roxy's beloved shop and waited anxiously by the window for what would transpire next.

After ten minutes passed with agonizing slowness, An Xi heard footsteps approaching - those familiar sounds signaling that it was time to confront whatever lay ahead. As if frozen in fear or anticipation, time seemed to slow down further still.

But instead of anger or confrontation, something unexpected happened: tears flowed freely from An Xi's mother as she held up not only lipstick but also regret and remorse upon realizing what they meant together.

It turned out that An Xi’s father had died when he was 7 years old due to cancer; his last wish was for his daughter to excel academically so he could leave behind a better future for them after he left this world early. Her mother continued pushing An Xi hard because it was all part of trying fulfill his dream without fully understanding how much pain it caused their child.

In one momentous night filled with unshed tears and unresolved emotions, an epiphany dawned on both mother and daughter alike: love never truly wavered nor faltered between them despite life’s hardships; there existed no room nor space enough for hate amidst such profound devotion rooted deep within each other’s hearts throughout these difficult times.

And thus came another message sent by hand rather than phone: “Come back home." "We are always loved." This marked not merely a turning point but also brought forth new beginnings –for both herself & Roxy alike—each journeying towards embracing self-love while learning valuable lessons along this path called life.

"From Never Lacking Love," see more stories at http://gs.kankanmi.com
