“我想要-red-flowers!” “I'll sing my sweetest song for you!”
“My flowers are white,” it replied, "as white as the sea foam, whiter than snow on mountain peaks. But you can go find my brother growing by the sundial or perhaps he can satisfy your needs."
“I want a red bloom!” “I'll sing my sweetest song for you!”
“My flowers are yellow,” it said, "as yellow as the hair of mermaids sitting on pearl thrones, yellower than water lilies blooming before scythe-bearing reapers come to mow. But you can go find my brother growing under student windows or perhaps he could meet your demands."
“I want a red bloom!” “I'll sing my sweetest song for you!”
"My flowers are red," it said, "as red as pigeons' feet, redder than coral fans swaying in ocean caverns. But winter has frozen my veins and frost has ravaged my buds; storms have broken off branches and leaves; this year I won't have any blooms again."
"I only need one flower," nightingale shouted loudly. "Only one red blossom! Is there no way to get me that?"
"There is a way," the tree replied. "But it is too terrible to tell."
"Tell me!" nightingale demanded fiercely.
"If you want a single red blossom," the tree said grimly,
"you must use moonlight to create it with music,
and dye it with blood from your chest.
You must press your chest against one of its thorns
to sing all night long;
the thorn will pierce through your chest,
your blood will flow into its veins,
become part of its lifeblood."
"Is death worth just one rose?" nightingale cried out loud in despair. "Life is so precious to everyone! Sitting under green trees watching sun ride her golden chariot, watching moon drive her carriage made of pearls - that's such joy! The scent of pomegranates fills air; hidden wind chimes in valleys and blossoming stone orchids at mountain tops also fill air with their scent... yet love surpasses even life - how much more would birds feel pain compared to humans?"
So she spread open her brown wings toward skyward flight once more like an unseen shadow gliding over gardens and hiding places among little trees.
The young student remained lying on grass where she left him still weeping tears from his beautiful eyes.
"Be happy now!" Nightingales called out loudly above them all: Be happy now! You're going to get your own Red Rose!
And then she flew away into skyward darkness like an invisible creature disappearing beyond sight lines while remaining silent about what had transpired between them two lonely souls searching each other across starlit heavens until another day comes around again when they might reunite within some other storybook tale waiting patiently at dawnbreak horizon…