在一个山坡上生活着三只小白兔,他们是大白,白白和小白,他们都学会了种萝卜。然而,大白和白.white经常为了一些小事而争吵,比如谁来浇水施肥,谁去积肥等,因为没法分工做,该浇水时没人挑水,该施肥时肥料又少,该拔草时,没及时拔草。结果,种出来的萝卜大多是小小的、硬硬的,不好吃。大 白和white.white都嚷着要分家,小white排行最小,两个哥哥说什么,他就干什么。
有一天,三只小white兔决定分家,大white找来了牛大哥。牛大哥首先批评了三只small white rabbit一番,“你们三个怎么就这么不和气?Big White怎么就不带好头呢?”他停了停,看着in the middle of a field, there were two pieces of land that had been idle for a long time, and he said to Big White and White.White, “You two are so lucky. You got the best lands. Little White here only got these two pieces of land that have been idle for years.”
Big White and White.White looked at each other happily, while Little White stood alone in the corner looking sad. He thought to himself, “My brothers' lands must have required so much hard work! But they don't appreciate it.” The ox then turned to Little White and said with a smile, “Little one is most sensible among you three. No matter what piece of land you get, I believe you can still grow good carrots.”
A few months passed by. BigWhite and white.white didn't change their ways; their plots were full of weeds; their carrots were small too; they didn't even have enough for themselves. On the other hand, little white was as diligent as ever; his carrots grew big and tender - not only did he eat them all but also exchanged some with Goat Elder for cabbage to eat or gave some away to his brothers and neighbors.
Feeling ashamed but determined to change their habits from now on, BigWhite &lineup worked together with LittleWhite &lineup worked together with him too.
When Ox Elder heard about this transformation in behavior by all three rabbitshe rushed over once againto congratulate them saying: "The harvest isn't solely becauseofthe quality or quantityofthesoilit's due totechanddiligence!"