

这个问题似乎简单,却又充满了复杂和不确定性。林徽因 herself never explicitly stated the answer to this question, and it's only through careful analysis of her life and works that we can attempt to uncover some clues.

Lin Huiyin was a Chinese poet, architect, and educator who lived from 1900 to 1955. Her poetry is known for its depth and nuance, often exploring themes of love, nature, and personal growth. "《情愿》" (Emotional Will) is one such poem that has captured the hearts of many readers with its evocative imagery and powerful emotions.

The original text of "《情愿》" reads as follows:





But how did this poem become known beyond China? There are several possibilities. One possibility is that the poem was translated by another poet or scholar who admired Lin Huiyin's work. This translator may have sought out permission from Lin Huiyin herself before publishing the translation in a foreign language publication.

Another possibility is that the poem was discovered by a researcher or literary critic who recognized its value as an example of modern Chinese literature. In this case, the translator may not have had direct contact with Lin Huiyin or her estate before publishing their own translation.

Unfortunately, without further information about specific translations or publications outside China during Lin Huiyin's lifetime, we cannot pinpoint exactly which individual(s) were responsible for translating "《情愿》" into other languages nor where these translations were published.

However what we do know is that there are many interpretations possible based on different cultural contexts. For instance in English-speaking countries where there exists a rich tradition of romantic poetry but also strong feminist movements; they might interpret lines like 'I don't ask you how' as an act of defiance against societal norms while at home in China where Confucian values emphasize social harmony they might see it more as an expression of devotion within marriage relationship

In conclusion while we cannot provide definitive answers to all questions raised here - especially those related to specific translators & publications outside china - it remains clear that lin hui-yins work including 《情愿》 continues inspire countless people around world regardless geographical boundaries & cultural differences
