
  • 古诗
  • 2025年01月11日
  • 在遥远的森林里,狼和狐狸曾是好朋友。他们一起度过了许多快乐时光,但随着时间的流逝,这种友谊逐渐变得微妙起来。狼总是对狐狸说:“红狐,你去给我找点吃的,不然我就把你给吃了。”而狐狸则会回答说:“我知道附近有个农场,有两只小羊。如果你愿意,我们就去弄一只来。”wolf觉得这个主意不错,就和fox一起去了农场。fox偷了一只小羊给wolf,而自己则迅速逃走了。wolf吃完那只小羊,却仍然觉得不够满足



然而,wolf的手脚笨拙,被农夫发现后遭到了痛打,狼嚎叫着,一瘸一拐地跑向fox。“你骗得我好苦哇!”wolf说,“我想再吃一只羊,那农夫突然袭击,我几乎变成了肉酱了!” fox却说:“谁让你这么贪婪啊。”

第二天,他们又来到农场。贪婪的 wolf 说:“red fox, go find me something to eat, or I'll eat you!” fox回答说:“I know there's a farmer who's going to cook flatbread tonight. Let's go get some.” They came to the farmhouse, and fox snuck around the house, sniffing and peeking through windows until he found the plate of bread. He stole six pieces of flatbread and gave them to wolf.

Wolf ate all six pieces in an instant and said to himself: "These breads are so delicious." Then he ran over and grabbed the entire plate, causing it to shatter on the ground. The noise startled the farmer's wife, who discovered wolf and called for help. Wolf was beaten with sticks until he limped away with two broken legs.

"You're too cruel," wolf complained as they made their way back home. "You tricked me into going to that farmstead where I got caught by farmers and beaten almost beyond recognition!" But fox just shrugged: "Who told you not be greedy?"

The next day they ventured out again; wolf hobbled along on his injured legs when once more it demanded food from fox saying: “red fox, go find me something to eat or I'll eat you!” Fox replied: “I know someone recently slaughtered an animal today; freshly pickled meat is put in a bucket in a cellar we can get some from.”

Wolf agreed but asked if Fox would help him escape if caught while eating because Fox knew how much meat was available at this location Wolf could enjoy eating without worrying about being caught while doing so.

Fox thought this plan was brilliant since he could stay close enough for safety yet keep his distance enough for stealthiness knowing how dangerous wolves were known for their strength when angry.

Fox then explained his plan carefully including telling Wolf about hiding places near by areas such as trees or bushes which were good spots where one could hide during hunting season.

Together they made their way down into basement area filled with many types of meats like beef chicken pork lamb etc., each type had its own unique taste depending on age size breed etc., different recipes existed everywhere even though most people cooked these meats differently based upon preferences but still enjoyed them immensely regardless what recipe used.

As long as there wasn't any human nearby watching them do what they wanted - then everything should work out fine!
